Chapter 36

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3rd Person P.O.V

10 years later

"That's what makes you beautiful!" The six of them sang.

"Thank you for 15 amazing years of One Direction." Arianna said.

"We've only been with the boys for 10 of those years but they've honestly been the best years of our lives." Bella said, tears forming on the brim of her eyes.

The crowd roared, the tears were also streaming down their faces.

"One last group hug." Louis said. Everyone in the stadium was crying now.

The six of them hugged for the last time. The scream of the audience was louder then they've ever heard before.

"We've been One Direction, and we hope you enjoyed our last show." Liam chocked out.

They did a bow and ran off the stage.

"Daddy daddy! We missed you!" Louis' five year old daughter, Tyler, said, giving him a huge hug.

Louis ruffled her curly brown hair. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked up at him.

"So, what do we do now?" Arianna asked, leaning into her boyfriend Mark.

"Whatever we want, I guess." Bella said, wiping the stray tears from her face.

They all walked onto the tour bus for the last time and burst into tears.

"I'm gonna miss hanging out with you guys." Niall said.

"Hey it's not like we're not gonna see each other! We can always go to an amusement park or something fun!" Harry said, nudging his shoulder.

"Oh oh we should go to Disney World!" Tyler said, jumping up and down. Her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

"In a few years love." Louis laughed.

The tour bus started moving away from the venue. The screams of girls could still be heard.

"Just think of all the things we've done together, all of the people we met." Arianna said.

"Yeah, we've met Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, you met Mark." Louis said, pointing to Arianna and Mark. Their faces turning as red as marks hair.

The bus stopped at the airport and everyone walked off. All of them hugged for the very last time in a long time. Then they were on their way.

When Arianna and Mark's plane landed, Mark took her hand and led her to a beautiful fountain in the middle of the airport.

"Arianna, we've been together for almost six years now," he started, grabbing her hands and getting down on one knee. Arianna covered her mouth with her hand and started crying.

"I love you, so much, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Mark continued, pulling a ring out from his back pocket.

"Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Mark finally finished.

"Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes!" Arianna cried. Mark slipped the ring on her left ring finger and they kissed passionately.

"I love you." Arianna cried into Mark's chest.

"I love you too." He said, kissing Arianna's forehead.

(A/N:) AHHHHHH THE STORY IS OVERRRRRRR!!! Sorry this chapter is short but I didn't know how to end it other than this. So yeah I hoped you enjoyed this book! There is not going to be any more books in this series and there is not going to be an epilogue thing because I'm gonna be writing a new book! I'm not telling you what it's gonna be called yet but it is going to be about Louis so yeah.

Thank you for reading this book!


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