Chapter 26

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5 months after

(Louis P.O.V)

I ran a stressed hand through my hair. In just a few days I'll be getting married to El. Let me just say I've never been more stressed in my life.

"Louis what's wrong mate?" Niall asked me from the seat next to me.

I snapped my head up and looked at him. "What, oh nothing's wrong." I lied.

He gave me the I-know-your-lying-so-tell-me-what's-wrong look. I sighed and leaned back into the couch I was sitting on.

"I'm just stressed. Y'know?" I told him. He chuckled lightly and shook his head.

"Why are you stressed mate? There's nothing to worry about."

My eyes bulged out of my head and my mouth dropped open.

"I have nothing to worry about!? Niall I'm getting married in a few days and I have nothing to worry about!?" I snapped at him. You see, whenever I get stressed I yell at my friends for no reason so Niall wasn't affected by my outburst.

Niall stood up and walked over to where I was standing. He put a supportive hand on my shoulder and said, "Listen Lou, everything is gonna turn out fine and you know it."

I gave him a soft smile. "I know mate I'm just, I don't know what I'm feeling right now. It's a bunch of different emotions mixed up into one big confusing emotion."

He looked at me completely confused. "I have no idea what you said, but ok." He said, giving me a thumbs up and a toothy smile.

I laughed softly. Arianna walked down the stairs with Snowy on a leash. "I'm taking Snowy for a walk." She declared.

"By yourself?" I questioned her.

"Uh yeah." She said in a sassy tone. I honestly don't know how she's not a Tomlimson my blood.

"Yeah no. Your not going by yourself." I said crossing my arms.

She raised her eyebrow at me and I mimicked her. "Are you copying me?" She asked, her arms still crossed.

"Are you copying me?" I replied, trying to mimic her voice.

"Stop it!"

"Stop it!"

"Louis smells."

"Louis-hey that's no my nice!" I pouted. She rolled her eyes.

"Hey I don't like the attitude." I said in my parent voice.

"And I don't like vegetables." She said. Snowy tugged at the leash wanting to be walked.

I ran to Arianna's side and led her out the door. "I know how to get out of the house Louis." She said annoyed.

"I know. But I'm coming with you. I don't care what you have to say. I don't want you to run into a fan or something and they attack you or something." I stated.

She sighed. "What ever."

I smiled to myself and realized that I had won that argument.


When we got back from our walk with Snowy, we collapsed onto the couch. I reached over for the remote and turned on the TV. I heard sponge bobs loud laughter fill the room.

I looked down at Arianna and saw her smiling at the screen which Mage me smile too.

About 10 minutes into the show my stomach growled, and Ariannas did the same. I looked down at my stomach and said, "Shhhhhh! I'm trying to watch a show!"

Adopted by One Direction    [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora