Chapter 15

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Arianna P.O.V

We got on the tour bus. They got a new one that had an extra bunk on it for me. I felt so special! We all got situated. I went to my bunk and got out my phone. Texts from Brooke. 'Have fun on tour!' Brooke is so sweet. I'm lucky to have her as my best friend. I got out my headphones and put them into my phone. I was about to put One Direction music in but then I realized that I would be hearing the same songs for like 6 months. I looked down and saw the boys sitting down. Louis motioned me to come to them. I climbed out of my bunk and walked over to them. "So where are we going first?" I asked. "Well we already went on tour for a little bit. When we picked you up from the orphanage we had just gotten back from the European part of the tour. We are heading to America now." Harry said. "Cool. That's where you got me. I love America." I said.

-------Time Skip------

We arrived at the airport. Oh no. The fans. We can hack into security cameras. They are going to find out about me and tell everyone. "Wait guys, I don't think you know what directioners can do. We can hack in to security cameras. We have to find out a way to hide me." I said. "We'll have to have Paul hide you somehow." Harry said. "PAULLL!!" Harry called. Paul came running. "What's up?" Paul said. "The sky." Louis said before me and him started laughing hysterically. "We need you to hide Arianna some how." Harry said. "Just have her stand in the middle of you." Paul said. "Louis you stand in front of her, Liam go on the left side of her, Arianna you get in the middle of them, Harry behind her and Niall on the right side of her." Paul said. "Who is going to carry my bag?" I asked. "I will." Paul said. We started walking. This was weird. We got to the plane and took our seats. We were the only ones there. It was weird. Sitting on a plane with just you and the boys. I sat in between Louis and Niall. Liam Harry and Paul were sitting in the seat next to us. "Louis can you get my phone and my headphones for me? They are in my bag." I asked. "Sure thing love." He said. He stood up and got my phone and headphones out of my bag. "Here you go." he said handing me my things. "So should I listen to you guys on my phone or.." I said. "Well you are going to be listing to us sing for a few months, and we might have you sing some songs with us, so I would just so you can know the bongs by heart." Niall said. "Oh Niall. I already know all of the songs by heart!" I said. He smiled. I put my headphones on my ears and pressed shuffle on my phone. I drifted asleep as we have been on the plane for about an hour. It was about 8:30 a.m. I was really tired.

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