Chapter 9

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The door bell rang. "That must be Eleanor." Louis said. I was both excited and scared to meet her. "And who is this cutie?" Eleanor said. "This is Arianna." Louis said. All the boys were upstairs changing from their wet cloths. "Well I better change. I'm wet from earlier." Louis said and looked at me annoyed and smiled. "Aren't you just the cutest little girl ever?" Eleanor said. I giggled. "So tell me about your self." She said. " name is Arianna. I totally think that you and Louis are like the cutest couple ever. My favorite song is night changes and yeah that's pretty much it." I said. "A One Direction fan huh?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. This was very awkward. Snowy came running down the stairs. "Hi snowy! Come here girl come here!" I said. "Aww she's so cute!" Eleanor said. "You two getting along?" Louis asked. He startled me a little. "Yeah we are. You've adopted the most adorable little girl ever!" Eleanor said. I was texting my friend when Louis said "You're bored. Aren't ya?" "Yeah. Just a little." I said. "Who ya texting there?" He asked. "Oh just one of my friends that I met from the orphanage. She got adopted so she is telling me about her new family and I'm talking about you guys." I said. "So you want to have her over?" He asked. "Really?" I said. "Yeah course!" Niall said walking down the stairs. I looked at Louis. He was shaking his head yes. So I texted my friend Brooke and tasked her if she could come over. 'I'll be over in a few minutes' she texted me. "Your friend can spend the night to." Louis said. I texted her and asked her if it was ok. She said yeah. "Where is she going to sleep?" I asked. "Hmmm. I never thought of that. We'll find a place." Louis said. "Ohh can I see your room? I bet it's beautiful!" Eleanor asked. "Yeah!" I said. "Follow me." I brought Snowy up so she can take a nap. "Wow your room is beautiful!" She said. I smiled and sat down on the swing. It was the first time I sat down on the swing. "You know of you ever need to talk to me about something, like if it's that time of month, just text or call me." Eleanor said as she took my phone to put her number in it. "Thanks." I told her. "And if you want to, just call me mom. I'm probably the closest thing you've got." She said hugging me. "Thanks El. You really are an inspiration to me." I said to her.

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