Bionic Showdown (Part 1)

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A/N: One hour episode, but when it replays, it splits into two parts, so I'm gonna go with that. And it's almost Thanksgiving for those in the US! Enjoy the chapter!

~Published November 25, 2015~

|3rd Person POV|

Donald and Leo were in the lab, waiting for the bionic trio to finish with their mission. Destiny, on the other hand, was visiting relatives, who decided to finally come to Mission Creek. Destiny's relatives lived out of Mission Creek, so they decided to fly to her so they can spend family time with her. Tasha and Donald agreed on letting Destiny skip school for the week so she could catch up with her relatives. Destiny walked into the lab, grabbing the attention of the two, and she sighed.

"Just caught up with the aunts from Wisconsin and the cousins from New York. And may I say, they are a hand full. 4 year olds are hard!" Destiny exclaimed before sitting on a stool near the table. "Anyways, where's Adam, Bree, and Chase?"

"They just finished a mission and they should be here right no--" Leo was cut off by the trio cheering from their successful mission. "Guys, that was awesome!"

"Apparently, you just prevented the biggest oil spill in history, according to Leo's tablet. Good job!" Destiny stole Leo's tablet to see their progress and they did pretty well.

"Pretty slick, huh?" Chase joked while Destiny face-palmed.

"If only we could've prevented that disaster of a pun." Leo sarcastically said. Leo went back to his desk as the trio moved toward Donald.

"Hey, Mr. Davenport. Anything you'd like to tell us, rhymes with 'good job?'" Bree asked Donald.

"The answer's in the clue." Adam whispered towards him.

"What were you guys thinking?!" Donald yelled at them, but Adam laughed.

"Nope, not even close. Two more guesses." Adam chuckled, before Destiny mentioned for him to stop.

"You completely ignored my mission plan, improvised everything, and jeopardized the entire mission!" Donald listed off the errors that they had during their mission.

"Mr. Davenport, we bust out butts all the time. And all you do is sit around in the lab, making lists of what we did wrong." Chase protested.

"I do not make lists of did wrong." Donald hid his tablet under his arms in embarrassment.

"That's true." Destiny supported, walking over to Leo.

"He also practices Taekwondo in his tighty-whities." Leo added, making gag faces with Destiny afterwards.

"They are not tighty-whities! They are breathable exercise briefs..." Donald says with even more embarrassment.

"Whatever they are, keep your high sweeping kicks away from my screen!" Eddy popped up.

"For once, I agree with him! It's not fun deleting your camera recordings!" Destiny cringed.

"Look, you guys go lucky this time, but without my precise planning you're opening yourselves up for disaster. So just follow my orders." Donald told the trio sternly before making his way out of the lab.

"What if your orders aren't always right." Chase shot back, which made Donald turned towards him.

"Woah...." Destiny awkwardly stated in the silence.

"Excuse me?" Donald asked Chase with a glare.

"He said maybe you--" Adam was interrupted by Destiny motioning to stop and by Donald glaring at him.

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