Parallel Universe

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A/N: This chapter will contain Parallel Destiny and Destiny's POV. Enjoy the chapter.

~Published October 4, 2015~

*Destiny's POV*

I was playing a game on my phone while I was waiting for Davenport to get everyone down to the lab. We were both working on a proton fuser and we finally got it to work! I heard the elevator doors open and I quickly turn off my phone

"Inventing the wheel?" Davenport started.

"Boring! Discovering electricity?" I continued, still sitting in my chair.

"Snooze! Sliced bread?" Davenport waited for me to continue but I just stared at him.

"What, nothing?" He turned to me.

"I'm not replying to sliced bread, I actually like toast, thank you very much." I crossed my arms while Leo nodded with me.

"Anyways, Davenport Industries introduces the world's first..." Davenport took off the sheet from the invention.

"Proton fuser!" We both say in unison, which makes Davenport glare at me for stealing his 'spotlight.' No one clapped or did anything; they just stood there looking at us.

"You know for a scientist and a genius you'd think your payoffs would be a bit more proportionate to your buildups." Leo told us. I rolled my eyes as Davenport explained the invention.

"Uh, the payoff is that is allows us to see the origins of the universe." Davenport said somewhat sarcastically towards Leo.

"This thing fuses sub-atomic particles, so we can understand how planets form! It's awesome, right?!" I asked the trio with a smile.

"Well, we already understand how boredom forms." Bree sarcastically replied, which made me frown.

"Haven't you ever wondered where stuff comes from?" Davenport asked them.

"Galaxies? Stars? Planets?! Seriously??!" I put my hands up in exasperation since no one agreed with me.

"This stuff, no. Onion rings, yes!" Adam cheered slightly with Chase with his idea.

"Guys, Davenport and I have always wanted to build this thing, and now it's reality. Leo, remember the stars we saw when I dragged you outside in the middle of the night?" I turned towards him.

"Not really since you woke me up in the middle of the night!" I rolled my eyes at his response.

"It's an important life lesson: if you have a dream, believe in it, 'cause it can happen." Davenport shook Leo's shoulder a little bit when saying the lesson.

"Mr. Davenport, Destiny, isn't it dangerous to tinker with the fabric of the universe?" Chase asked us.

"Ha, he said tinker..." Adam laughed as I chuckled.

"Well, yes, technically, it could destabilize the Earth-" Davenport was cut off by me.

"Or open up a wormhole into a parallel universe..." I smiled.

"But, we made, so we get to play with it, so.." Davenport said as he ran over to the controls and turned on the fuser. He switched it on and a laser beam connected the two funnels and I grinned. It's working!!

"Prepare to be amazed!" I laughed and high-fived Davenport.

"Or gravely injured." I heard Chase say. Everyone went behind me and Davenport, but then the laser stopped producing.

"Once again, big buildup, teeny, tiny payoff." Leo told us and I smacked his shoulder. Tasha came into the lab and started doing a little dance.

"Okay, the popcorn is popping and the movie is uploaded. Or downloaded. Whatever, the red thingy is blinking green. Just head upstairs, it's movie time!" Tasha yelled out and the trio quickly ran towards the elevator.

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