Trucked Out

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~Published November 15, 2015~

*Destiny's POV*

Leo and I were testing Adam for his driving test. We strapped a dummy next to him, to make sure we can see how badly or well he does. I slightly kicked the tire a little bit and then nodded over to Leo.

"Alright, Adam. We borrowed Big D's hydrogen-powered golf cart to help you practice for your driving test." Leo introduced.

"You ready?" I question him before he replied with 'Bring it!' "First step: Seat Belts." I announced.

"Okay, focus!" Adam told himself before he quickly succeeded. "Zero to buckle in under five seconds!" We both high-fived him and I crossed off 'seat belt' from my list. Chase came into the lab and placed a suitcase on the bench.

"Hey look, a dummy driving a dummy!" Chase laughed before I glared at him.

"Oo! What does this button do?" Adam pressed the button that was in the middle of the steering wheel and he started to accelerate towards Chase.

"Brake!!" Leo and I yelled in unison. Adam stomped on the brakes and the dummy collided with Chase, making him fall down.

"Wish all buttons did that." Adam laughed while I chuckled. He was kind of good at following directions.


Leo, Chase, Bree, and I were all waiting for Adam to come back from his driving test. Davenport was with him too, but the others were anticipating Adam's failure. I, on the other hand, was hoping Adam passed.

"I can't believe Adam's not back from his driving test! What's taking him so long!?" Leo complained.

"Two words: Adam. Test." Bree told him before going back to read her magazine.

"Man, if he passes, it's good news for us, and bad news for everyone on the road." Chase went back to playing his game. "...Or sidewalk." Bree and Chase chuckled.

"Guys, come on. I actually think that Adam is gonna pass it." I told them while the two rolled their eyes at me. "Seriously?! He's your brother!"

"Well, he better pass it! I need him to drive me to that party on Saturday." Leo told us and I scoffed.

"Not that party." I looked up from my phone.

"What party?" Chase asked Leo and I.

"The one you weren't invited to." Leo said after he faked a laugh.

"You got invited to Caroline Davis' party and I didn't?" Bree sounded slightly offended and surprised.

"Neither did I!" Chase exclaimed and we all looked at him.

"No surprise there." Bree and I said together with a little high-five.

"But why were you invited?" Bree turned back to Leo, who was sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Oh, Bree, I'm climbing the social ladder. There are now three or four ladies I make eye contact with me in the hallway..." We both looked at him with questioning looks. "Alright, it's two, but I'm going to that party!"

"Also, I was the one who got invited, but Leo bugged me to give him the invitation." I added, which made Leo frown. The door started to open and we all stood up.

"He's home!" Bree exclaimed before we saw Tasha with a bag of groceries. The three all groaned and Bree and Chase collapsed onto the couch.

"Oh, it's just you." Leo said monotonously.

"Nice to see you too." She said with a tone in her voice.

"Sorry, Mom. How's it going?" Leo apologized.

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