Missin' The Mission

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~Published August 10, 2015~

*Destiny's POV*

I was waiting for Davenport and the trio to come back from a mission. I was helping them through comm set and they succeeded their mission. They came into the lab while cheering and I starting clapping.

"Great job guys! Flawless execution!!" I complemented them while they walked over to the holo-table.

"Now that is how you lead a mission!" Davenport looked at the trio.

"Why, thank you!" Chase grinned.

"I was talking about me." Davenport told him which made Chase's smile fade. "But every Olympic podium needs a bronze and a silver. And a person who sets it up! Nice work, Destiny."

"Awesome! I medalled!" Adam cheered, but he accidentally punched Davenport. Davenport flew and hit the elevator and fell to the floor. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Don't look at us." Bree told him after Davenport groaned in pain. "You're the one who gave super strength to a box of rocks." I rolled my eyes while chuckling even more and walked over to help Davenport up. Leo came into the lab, stepping over Davenport, and went over to the trio. I pulled Davenport up and he thanked me before going over to the computer. I went over to the trio and joined their conversation.

"Hey guys, how'd the mission go?" Leo asked them.

"It was awesome!" I put my elbow on his shoulder.

"We fixed the Pentagon's communication satellite and returned it into orbit." Bree continued.

"I even rigged it so that we get every TV channel in the world!! Who wants to watch Guatemalan drag racing?!" Chase exclaimed.

"I thought it was awesome...until you ruined it." I said the last part sarcastically. I high-fived Bree and we turned to Leo.

"So did any of my suggestions come in handy in the mission?" Leo asked them. I rub my neck and licked my lips. Poor Leo...

"What suggestions?" Chase questioned.

"I did a ton of strategic research and gave it to Big D." Leo walked over to Davenport.

"...Oh, right. I'm sorry, Leo, I didn't have time to use it." Davenport lied.

"Yes you did! You spilled your coffee and used Leo's research to mop it up!" Adam told Leo as me and the trio walked over to Leo and Davenport. Davenport gave Adam a glare and turned back to Leo.

"You used my research as a sponge?" Leo questioned Davenport.

"More like a paper towel...But it was very absorbent." Davenport tried to make it as a good thing. "Why don't you three go clear out the rest of your gear." The trio left the lab and we went to another control panel.

"We need to talk." Leo told Davenport.

"I'm done being the water boy. I wanna be a part of the team." Leo urged.

"Leo, I told you, you can't be part of the team. You're not bionic." Davenport told him. I blinked my eyes in surprise before settling them back to normal before he could question the surprised look that was on my face. "And besides, statistics show that most accidents happen within a three-mile radius of you."

"But I've grown. I've matured. I wear a medium now." Leo told him while we walked over to the holo-table.

"Um, TMI." I scooted away from him.

"I can help in other ways! I can help Destiny! Come on! You keep on ignoring me!" Leo walked over to Davenport so that he could look up.

"Hmm? Destiny has her job under control. She doesn't need help...Maybe there is a way you can help out around here." Davenport sprung out an idea.

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