thank-you bag

38 5 0

cheap red ink stamped over a convenience store bag

inside a fragile bag, lies an even more fragile future

i pull at my shirt, it seems tighter

i recall the night with hazard in my mind

if only i had that same hesitation back then

let's just do it, is a terrible attitude, it was impulse

impulse never leads to good decisions

it leads to a week of worrying and wondering

wondering if they'll still support me after this

if i am just acting irrationally

praying this is just a false alarm

i handed the clerk a crumpled ten dollar bill

he didn't seem impressed with me

or the purchase i got

the bag and it contents feel like a grenade

just tick, tick, ticking in my hands

will it go off? or is it already dead?

i clutch at the cheap plastic

stick of fate 

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