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she went to the beach every day.
she could've been a mermaid.
she had beautiful hair.
she was beautiful.
she loved the sea.
she loved the smell of the sea.
she loved him most of all.

he loved her, too.
he loved her, but not in the same way.
he loved her body.
he loved sour grapes and e-vapes.
he loved burning drinks.
he loved to touch her when she didn't.
he drank dry and blew hard.

she cried all the time.
she loved him.
she loved his undrunk soul.
she loved his gentle touch.
she accepted his rough one.
she wept as much as the clouds.
she let her tears fall into the sea.

he gave her a kind kiss.
he grabbed the neck of the bottle.
he pressed his lips and drank.
he let his blood quiver.
he hit her and touched her body.
he pulled at her hair.
he knocked out cold.

she woke up with a forgiving face.
she woke up with a cold heart.
she blew up and stormed out.
she went away.
she ran away.
she sprinted to the high tide.
she jumped and never came back.

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