my best friend

185 21 3

her heart burned like boiling tea spilling into crystal winter snow

her fingertips edged the cap of a pill bottle and it unscrewed and spilt twenty

like rafts going down white and violent rapids down her aching throat

her feet slid from under her and she tumbled and her world went black

a scream escaped from her mother's crumbling lips as she lifted her

her skin went white as she touched her
daughters barely breathing heart

she dials the most important number to her daughter that she can think of

and my phone rings on valentine's day and i hear the tears fall from her cheeks

i can her her hands shake as she explains to me what just happened

coming to terms of what has been said
i feel my heart shatter

i choke back on tears and hair from my sweeping ponytail

i wail out in heavy tears why has happened to her and i swear at stars

nothing so beautiful deserves to die so quickly like a carnal flower

her hands grip around rose thorns and glass falls from her eyes

crying glitter and drinking starsWhere stories live. Discover now