ice and alone

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the most stunning girl in the world

she's so solitaire

in her shield made up of glitter and champagne bubbles

her hair was mud and golden sand

her eyes were every color, pouring from every corner of the endless universe

she was a like a beautiful alien

only to be seen

not to be touched

or loved

i pity anyone that falls in love with you, they are chasing you like a rabbit down a hole with their ticking time watch

and you smirk this beautiful smirk

with a wiry laugh, shake your head no

your eyes sparkle like a broken glass and the wine spills out like the feeling in that man's heart

you let out a pearly smile, you're the sweetest stranger and the coolest companion. beauty with a twist

you don't let anyone lust over you. not with flowers or jewelry

no amount of shine will pull you in

your flesh is virginal

no one believes that

i do, it's a hidden secret thing. so captivated and protected. it's not for others to touch

it's not selfish

it's self respect

i wish i knew not to fall in love with you, too

my heart was crushed, but you held my hand and told me that you're sorry.

you're not a mean person. you make think so, you're just sometimes kinda cold, but hot to make ice melt

you're that tricky cross word puzzle, you can't complete or think of a word to fit your flawless description

a wedding band is your noose

a child is your gun

love is the bullet

it's not because you hate people, you hate love. you laugh at couples acting together, maybe you've figured it out. maybe you cracked the code, that love can fade away and you get this one shot with it and it slips through your hands like liquid.

crying glitter and drinking starsWhere stories live. Discover now