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she sold her soul tonight because she was desperate for a dime.
not to him at least.
controversy is chem trails and visiting hours in the hospital.
apparently, it's not a girl going under the knife and selling her body for a quick buck.
immoral immortals.
we can live forever, drinking peach and berry martinis in hell.
no one cares if you sell yourself, they don't care how much you hate it as long as they get their entertainment and you get to slip a dollar in her lingerie.
maybe we should care.
quit your bitching.
they don't want this.
would you?
perfect nails, now bitten to the core. it burns and kills my stomach. i need cough medicine. my lungs hurt from these people smoking cigars. my shoes are gonna break.
don't touch me there.
i have standards.
it's not you.
one day, i'll wake up with this a memory. my nose won't bleed and my heels won't crack. a nice man next to me and baby sleeping in the next room over.
but, tonight, i too, am desperate for a dime. i'll sell it all, my hands and heart empty. my happiness drained into the mind of a dirty bastard.

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