The Devil's Angel - Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Well hello jailbird." Lucius teased as I stepped out of the station and into the mid afternoon sun. His smile quickly dropped and he closed the distance between us to wrap his arms around my waist. "Are you okay? Did they treat you well? Do I need to put in a complaint?"

I laughed tiredly at the barrage of questions as he led me to the passenger side of a large red and black Range Rover. Turning my head, I raised a single brow.

"It was an impulse buy. It was meant for you for Christmas but I thought you would want it now." Lucius said by way of explanation, reaching across my body to click my safety belt into place.

"So, I'm allowed to drive?" I asked, my lips twitching with the effort not to smile.

Lucius face turned into a mask of horror. "You? Drive this beauty? No, you are to enjoy this from the luxury of the passenger seat."

Laughing, I slapped him on the arm and shooed him away. He held up his hand in protest before running around on to the other side of the car. He climbed into the driver's side of the car, holding his hand up to a passing vehicle before he pulled the door shut.

"Admit it, you only bought the car because you wanted it." I teased. I had no doubt in my mind he just wanted a high value boy toy to make himself feel better.

"Never, how could you say such a thing?" He murmured as he pulled out into the stream of traffic his eyes on the path ahead.

"Because it's the truth."

Lucius lips twitched and then he smiled. "Maybe there is a bit of truth in that statement. When I'm worried about things I shop."

"You stress shop for cars? That's a little excessive." I laughed and then leant back into the leather seats.

The car was so new it still had that straight off of the production line smell to it. Still, as nice and spacious the car was, there was no getting comfortable. I felt grimy from the night in the cell, tired after the adrenaline high and the damned piece of paper was digging in my boobs. If I ended up with a papercut it would just be the icing on the cake.

We lapsed into silence for a few moments. I needed the calm, the quiet to centre myself. I knew once I told him who and what I had seen, there would be no slowing down. There would be no pausing to take a breath. I waited long enough for us to get off of the main highways and onto quieter, less populated streets to open my mouth.

"I know who is behind the kidnappings."

I spoke clearly and calmly. The radio was playing low in the background with some horrendous pop song but there was no denying that Lucius had heard me. His fingers clenched around the steering wheel , his eyes intent upon the road before him/

"It's Victor Lyle. I saw his ring yesterday before they shut the door on the police van. I saw that ring when my blindfold slipped. It's so ugly it can only be a one of a kind." I chattered on, feeling the need to convince Lucius of the truth of my words.

The car swerved. I screamed, one hand holding onto the handle above the window and the other bracing against the dashboard. There was a split second when I thought we were going to go into a head on collision with a lamppost but with a feat of strength, Lucius wrenched the wheel as far as it could do. The bumped glanced off of the post and then we were away.

"You broke my car."

"It's your fault. You distracted me." Lucius retorted, his focus now on the road before him. Only his flared nostrils and his white knuckle grip on the steering wheel gave any indication that he was feeling anything other than serene in that moment.

The Devil's Angel (The Devil's Assistant Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now