The Devil's Angel - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The house was dark when I got home. I had never seen such an unwelcome sight.

"Did you want to come in for a drink Ms Bridger?" I asked, my eyes staring up at the house through the window, my body unwilling to leave the safety of the car just yet.

"What was that?" the woman asked.

I turned my head in time to see her startle upright, her eyes blinking wearily up at me, her phone for forgotten in her hand for the first time I had ever seen her.

Smiling, I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. Good night, Ms Bridger."

"Goodnight Ms Holmes." She replied, her voice cracking from weariness.

With a nod, I grasped the handle and pulled. Immediately the cool evening air rushed in to greet me. It sent a shiver down my spine. Once free of the car, I started to close the door but my assistant's voice called me back.

"Ms Holmes?" She called, the tired woman leaning across the seats so she could meet my gaze "Savannah, you did really did well today. I know it doesn't feel like it with the outcome you had but I heard from the waiters you held your own in there. Well done. "

I tried not to but I could feel the blush warming my cheeks.

"Thank you Ms Bridger." I muttered before clearing my throat loudly.

"Now, get some rest. We have more press meetings on Monday so you want to be looking your best." She commanded firmly before grasping the handle to the car and tugging it closed.

I snorted and shook my head.

A moment later the car was pulling away and I was stood on the street before my house – alone.

The house was eerie in its silence. I wished that I'd had the forethought to leave a light on to welcome me home. Lucius wouldn't be back for a few more days so it would just me and no one else.

Stepping into the house, I quickly disable the alarm before shutting the door behind me. Once the door was locked and bolted, feeling particularly jittery after my meeting with Lyle, I rest the alarm and felt comforted in bright green light. It was stupid really, it's not like there was much that the electronic alarm could protect me from but it was enough to sooth my nerves.

At least it did until I realised that I was not alone in the house. There were no noises to give away their presence but I could sense it. Instinct had me drawing my angel blade from the air and feeling its weight settle into my palm. The blade, understanding the need for stealth, had muted its glow.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the house. Taking a step forwards on the balls of my feet, I kept my sword poised before me. My shoes clicked against the floor loudly. I closed my eyes and wished I had decided on something other than laminate flooring for the hallway.

A second later I could sense someone moving towards me. I swished my blade once in warning. The sound of the sword cutting through the air was lethal and I heard the intruder halt.

"Whoa, don't attack me Miss Holmes. I'm not going to hurt you."

That voice. I stilled for a moment, disbelief freezing each of my muscles into place. Then my free hand was scrabbling against the wall, searching for the switch I knew was there. My fingers caught. The light switch clicked and the hallway was suddenly illuminated. I blinked in the sudden brightness, desperate for my eyes to adjust.

"Is it really you?" I asked, my eyes watering.

"It's really me." Castiel replied, a small smile on his lips.

The Devil's Angel (The Devil's Assistant Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now