A Kidnapper's Dream

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A Kidnapper's Dream

-This Story Is Written By: LovableMonster-

-Cover Art By: @KeepingAwkward -

-Pictures and Videos are not mine, and not intended for copyright-

@Copyright all rights reserved 2013

-Please do not copy my work, I take a lot of pride and put a lot of what I love into my stories. I enjoy it, it's one of my favorite things I can actually do. So, if you steal it, you will be sorry my friend, guaranteed.-

-Author's Note-

I usually don't do romance stories, I'm more into the fantasy genre. This story does have a somewhat magical essence to it. I want to thank my friends, parents, and my family for encouraging me to do what I love. Also, I hope everyone enjoys this.-


-To my lovely wattpad readers, who hopefully will enjoy this story. To all those lovely songs, broadway productions, and movies/shows that give me inspiration. Also those amazing authors who just can craft things that are so breathtaking. Hopefully I'll get there one day, thank you. Also this story is dedicated to FantasyWriterGirl15 for helping me edit up my story as it progresses, thank you dearie.-

-I am currently looking for a skilled and professional editor for this story, rewards are included, PM me if your interested in this offer, it won't last forever!-

-Other dedications:

1.Phantom of the Opera/Love Never Dies for ideas on story titles, music, and a bit of inspiration.

2. Everyone who has helped me edit this story, commented/voted/critiqued/, and helped craft beautiful works of art such as upcoming: banners, and lovely covers.

3. Casting suggestions from fans.

4. Artists who make wonderful music so far in my story:

Evanescence, Cascada, and Phantom of the Opera, and the franchise known as: Kingdom Hearts, gaming company and music composers.

5. People who take the time to read this, even this page, because that really means a lot to me.

-Thank you everyone, without you guys and your support this story probably wouldn't be as successful or even up on Wattpad without each and every one of you, you all matter to me and I love to hear feedback.-

-If you have any story or story-related questions please PM me or comment on one of the chapters thank you. I'm also looking for casting options and a banner maker, thanks!-

-ALSO: This story is completed, author's note at the end if fully dedicated/written/etc. Also, repeated. Sequel? page is also up now, so check that out after your done reading, thanks.-

THANK YOU ALL! I love you so very much, thanks for taking the time out of your lives to read my story(ies).-

A Kidnapper's Dream (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now