My letter

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Chapter Seven

"Earth to Alice, is anyone there?" Ginny said prodding my head.

"Oh.. What?" I questioned.

Ginny stared at until I remembered we were talking about me being a Slytherin before I went into 'flashback mode'

"Oh.. Right... Ron. Hermione. Ginny. Fred. George. I am a Slytherin." I said quietly, but loud enough for them to hear.

"Why did you only say Ron, Fred, George, Ginny, and I? Does everybody else know?" Hermione asked slowly.

"Yes, Harry and The Order already know." I nodded.

Everything was quiet for the rest of dinner. Except for some awkward squirms coming from around the whole table.

After dinner I went to Ginny's room grabbed my pajamas and took a shower. When I got back to her room Ginny was patiently waiting apparently for me knowingly waiting to ask questions.

I was right she asked possibly billions of questions like 'Is that how you met him?' or 'Are the Slytherins mean?'

After playing one billion questions with Ginny I was exhausted and fell straight to sleep.

The next morning I got up I remembered , I still haven't answered Draco's letter. I suddenly rushed to my trunk grabbed out a quill, parchment, and ink and started writing.

Dear Draco,

I've missed you so much. Ginny, Ron, the twins, and Hermione know that I'm A Slytherin now and only Ginny's spoke to me since.

I've was thinking about you last night, and I was wondering if we were still dating... By the way you don't have reply to this letter, I'll see you in a little more than a week or earlier. I'm going with the Weasley's to Diagon Ally in a week hope to see you there! If you come meet me at Honey Dukes!



P. S. I looking forward to seeing you again! Can't wait!

I gave the letter to my owl, Freckles and she flew away.

After that I headed straight down to breakfast. When I got down everyone was already eating. I was welcomed with greetings from everyone at the table. Almost as if yesterday night didn't happen.

Unfortunately, I spoke to soon...

"Soo... Alice do you have any one of your old Slytherin friends meeting with you when we go to Diagon Ally?" Fred asked.

"As a matter of fact. I do Fred." I smirked.

"Who?!" the twins yelled.

"You're not going to like it." I slurred.

"Who. Is. It?" the twins asked again.

"Draco Malfoy." I smiled.

It was almost hysterical half of the people at the table gasped as I laughed at them.

"I told you, you wouldn't like it." I laughed.

"You're going with Malfoy??" my brother asked.

"Yep." I sighed. I knew what was coming.

Harry pulled me into what seemed to be Ron's room and said " I thought you were going to stay away from him!" he yelled.

"I said I'd try, but some things are to hard to attempt." I giggled.

"That's sick, Alice." said with a disgusted look on his face.

I smiled at my twin brother.

"Don't come whining to me if it goes terribly wrong." he said holding back a smirk.

"Don't worry. I won't." I walked away laughing.

Nothing would go wrong.

I hoped.

Alice Lily Potter: I Fell in Love With my Brother's ArchenemyWhere stories live. Discover now