Storming the castle

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In the morning, I wake up to the shower running. Stephen is still flat out next to me. What was he going to do after he turned himself into a killer? He'd create an all-out war with everyone. And Stephen couldn't kill anyone, he's too kind. It would destroy him whether it was out of revenge or not, he would be scarred for life. I stroke his cheek.

"You're an idiot." I get out of bed and wait for Cara to come out before I get in and take a long shower. When I'm out, I find Cara and Stephen discussing on what to do next.

"We need everyone we trust, so John and us. We could do with Russell but he's gone, rebelling somewhere probably. We have to move now though before he kills everyone."

"The café, that's the best place to meet."

"Text John." We pack up and make our way down to the empty café.

"They're out. Perfect. So what is the plan anyway?" I go behind the counter and make us some drinks.

"Wait till everyone's here," Cara says.

"I hate waiting." Thankfully John walks in.

"Didn't know if there was a secret knock?"

"Didn't think you'd make it, but I'm glad you did."

"Wouldn't let you steal all the glory." John walks over to Cara as Astrid walks in.

"Course we came dorkus."

"Look we don't have very long. The machine goes nuclear in two hours."

"Sorry, what does that mean?" Cara stands up and I come round leaving the drinks to waste.

"For them nothing but for us..."

"Time stops for each and every human Astrid," Cara says. "It doesn't start again."

"Great, then we better get moving."

"So what's this plan?" I ask. Suddenly Russell walks in silently.

"You sonuvabitch!" Stephen grabs him and holds him over the counter. I rush over to stop him and to shout at Russell myself. He completely abandoned us.

"I didn't know your father... I thought we were all going to die. I'm sorry. We couldn't just sit," he cries. I lay my hand on his shoulder.

"Stephen, Russell saved my life when ultra sent those agents."

"Stephen, it's okay. He wants to help otherwise why would he be here?"

"This doesn't make us okay." Stephen lets him go finally and walks away, trying his best to subdue his anger. I slap Russell.

"What the hell was that for?"

"For leaving me behind. You absolute idiot, I could kill you!"

"I know, I can never make it right again... but I can help stop the machine."

"How?" Cara asks.

"Roger had a plan before we sold him out. A way to destroy the Founder... but then again it was designed for a dozen of us, not three."

"So little faith Russell," I say. We can take him down, we're stronger and faster than him.

"Three?" John questions.

"Yeah there are five of us," Astrid says. To be fair, what can they actually do apart from be decoys or something?

"I just thought..."

"You just thought that because we don't have powers, we can't do anything. We're the ones fighting for our lives. You can't take this right away from us." John looks at her with those eyes and I have to look away. Stop it.

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