Know the real enemy

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"Fear no one and trust no one. Learn to trust no one else but yourself. Know the real enemy and keep them close. In that way, you can bring them down. Effortlessly."

Calsipher fiercely said to Brent.

After that revealing night, Brent hurriedly called Calsipher and explained everything. And then there, everything in the pass flashes back their memories.

7 years ago, Arki Draig discovered that he has a step brother named Art Draig. They crossed paths while the registration of clans are on going in their place.

They discovered that Arki's father leave them to protect Art's mother. Arki was only 11 years old that time and too immature to absorb everything that is happening to his family and to him.

He's too fragile and weak for everything that may happen. That's the reason why Calsipher, his uncle. The youngest on his fathers side decided to take care and keep him safe. Safe from everything that might cause him pain.

Calsipher took care of Arki.

Trained him until he can stand on his own. Fight for what is right and provide him a family that his father can't give him. He let him join their group and be part of Fatal clan.

Opposite to it's meaning, Fatal clan kills and fight for what is right. They kill black hearted persons who kills just for their entertainment. They are fatal for those who have no mercy on killing innocent people.

The day came, Arki and Art meet again. They talked about something that no one in the Fatal members knew.

One night Fatal can has an operation to do. And that is to kill the leader of the most known innocent killer in their town, the leader of  Vanity clan.

They are know for killing, simply because they are bored and they want to do something fun. And that is to kill vampire or human who crosses their way.

But they are always wearing mask which covers half of their faces. One reason which make things hard for the upper vampires to sue them.

Calsipher got a news that Vanity Clan will show up their selves again to a certain bar. And as usual they will kill again. And Calsipher can't just wait and do nothing.

They all go to that bar and had a battle. Fatal clan vs. Vanity clan.

Arki fights, and so as the other members but he was trying to cover up a member of Vanity which was quite obvious to Brent.

When Brent got a chance he grab the neck of the leader. It was easy to be recognize since his mask was different from others.

He kick the leader in its face. Really hard. That he loses his balance and fell on the ground. When Brent was about to twist his neck and kill him, Arki got in his way and punch him on the face which cause confusion to all members.


"Don't hurt him."

"Thank you for saving my life,

Dear brother."

Art said and slowly took of his mask.

Calsipher was really angry that time, and so the members of Fatal. That night, Arki was suppose to be terminated from the group for being a traitor and protecting the enemy.

But he pleaded, and promise to cut all of his connection to his brother and forget everything.

Calsipher can't afford to lose the one who was with him since the beggining. All members forgive him, and trusted him. Again.

They treat Arki as a little brother and someone close to their cold hearts.

They can't believe he was actually doing it again.

* back to the present*

"What should we do now? We can't afford to have a traitor in our clan again, specialy now. They are onto Freya."

Brent said to Calsipher.

"We will pretend to know nothing, act normal and observe in everything. Most important, keep an eye to Freya. Don't let her go away from you. I will be eyeing Arki. And try to get informations. Tell this to all our members and tell them to keep safe in everytime."

Brent nodded.

"Once a traitor, always a traitor"

Brent uttered angrily as he closes his fist.

Try to touch or hurt Freya, I will let you see what hell looks like.

He thought.

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