Chapter 21

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"Rori!" Lydia called as she strutted into my room, looking absolutely amazing having already done her makeup and hair. "Ready to get your hair and makeup done?" I nodded, beaming and she grinned excitedly at me before getting to work. She expertly put my hair up into an intricate up-do and tucked a gorgeous head piece into my hair. She then did the foundation of my makeup, putting on some eyeliner, deep red lipstick and light blush. She ran navy blue powder lightly over my eyelids, mixing it with other shades of blue and white to match my dress before finishing the look over my clipping a statement necklace around my neck. By the end I looked completely different - in a good way.

"You like?" Lydia asked leaning over my shoulder and I nodded with a small smile. I jumped up and spun around quickly, pulling Lydia into a tight hug, a few tears leaking out of my eyes - thankful Lydia used waterproof makeup as she usually does. She stumbled a bit but wrapped her arms around me securely. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm so happy to be here with you Lydia. When my parents died I honestly could never picture myself here and happy. It's cheesy but you were and still are the light at the end of my tunnel, Lydia. Thank you." Lydia cooed sweet comforts in my ear before we pulled away. She quickly grabbed a tissue, wiping off any tears or makeup that had run. She smiled softly at me.

"I love you, Aurora. Your parents did too and they'd be so proud of you making it here. They would have loved to see you in that dress having a good time and smiling that effervescent smile of yours as you enjoyed yourself. Okay? So you better have fun tonight." I nodded and pulled Lydia into another hug. We were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Girls, Stiles is down here waiting for you. Are you two almost ready?" We nodded and she went back down. We quickly donned our dresses and slipped our shoes on.

"Are you ready?" Lydia asked me and I nodded and took my deep red lip between my white teeth, biting it anxiously. "Do you want me to go down first so you can calm down a bit?" I nodded once again, gratefully. She pecked my cheek before walking out of the room, closing the door softly behind her.

I reached out and plucked a golden photo frame from my vanity, staring at the picture inside. A happy blonde haired woman in her early 20s cradling a child with a red, almost brown haired man standing behind her with an arm around her and a wide, proud grin on his face. I smiled as I stroked my hand down the frame. It was one of few photos that I had of my mother, father and I together. I looked up and another caught my eye. I placed the photo back down and picked up the which contained a collage, two black and white pictures of my dad and I and one of my mum and I.

I couldn't remember any moments with my father but I thought about one of the last things mum and I did together. We'd sat on the swings at 10 o'clock at night just talking after we'd watched the Peter Pan ballet. That was something we would always to together. Whenever a play, ballet or musical came, we had to go see them. We never missed one. She was only 18 when she had me, due to being pressured by her and my dads parents and 21 when my dad died. She'd known my dad the majority of her life so his death impacted her greatly. I'd find her crying sometimes, whenever I did she'd just hug me and we'd look through photo albums and home videos, giggling and eating ice-cream.

I opened the back of the photo, deciding that if they couldn't be here today that I'd keep a reminder of them with me. As the back flipped off, the picture and an envelope fluttered to the ground. My eyebrows pinched together in confusion, never having seen this envelope before. I picked up the photo and stashed it in my purse before grabbing the envelope, turning it around to the front.

"Read this if we're gone"

My eyes widened and I frantically flipped open the flap and slipped three pages of paper out. I unfolded them and let my eyes scan the unfamiliar writing.

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