Chapter 16

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"Did I do the right thing, Rori?" Allison asked with her head in my lap and a hand over her face whilst Lydia was downstairs grabbing us Ice-cream and other sweet treats. I sighed as I ran my fingers through the loose curly strands of her hair to try and comfort her.

"Do you trust him?" I asked and she shook her head slightly.

"No...I don't think I do anymore." She told me and I sighed again.

"Well then, I think you made the right decision for the moment. He may earn your trust back in time but for now I think it was the right thing to do."

"Do you trust Stiles?" She queried.

"Yeah, I trust him with my life, especially after what happened at the school." I replied truthfully.

"You two are so cute together. You make it look easy...How do you do it?"

"I honestly have no clue." I responded with a smirk as she let out a chuckle. Our moment was soon interrupted when my phone start blasting out the Doctor Who Theme. I fumbled for it before being able to grasp it. As I slid my finger across the screen I caught sight of Allison mouthing 'dork' to me, distracting me from the caller ID. I chuckled and rolled my eyes before pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, one hand on the phone and the other still running through Allison's hair, who remained in my lap.

"Miss Aurora K-Kaylee Carter! How are you on this fine night, my love?" The slurred voice of Stiles came through the receiver of my phone.

"Uh...Hi Stiles. I'm ok how are you?" I asked confused.

"I'm doing great! I'm getting, Scott drunk." He told me giddily.

"You sure? You're the one sounding pretty drunk."

"What? No, I'm not dru- Yeah...yeah I am...How did you know?" He sounded as if he was in awe that I was able to pick up the simple fact that he was tipsy.

"Just a guess." I replied sarcastically.

'Stiles is drunk?' Allison mouthed surprised and I nodded.

"Guess what!" He shouted into the phone without warning, causing me to jump.

"What?" I asked

"Scott cannot get drunk!" He cried indignantly.

"Like Captain America?"

"Yeah, like Captain Ame- you know...I love when you talk nerd to me. It's super're gorgeous. You could probably be a model. How did I even get you to be my girlfriend? Do I have magic? Whoa! Am I a wizard?" I rolled my eyes but laughed at his ramblings and how off track he was getting. "Man, that would be so cool. We could be wizards together. I think you'd be a hufflepuff. I'm a hufflepuff too. You know, you'd look really good in a Hogwarts uniform...or any uniform...Did you wear a uniform in Australia?" He asked

"Yeah, I did. But I can tell you it isn't nearly as attractive as you make it out to be." I told him and the uniforms really weren't that attractive. Light blue shirts and grey skirts that the teachers would let go more than two fingers above your knee. No makeup. No jewelry...they even had rules on what shoes you could wear for sport.

"Nah, I bet you looked could probably make a potato sack look amazing." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Is there any other point to this call apart from telling me I'd look good in a uniform?" I asked and Allison giggled.

"Uh...I don't know...Scott what was I gonna say to Rori?" I heard mumbling before Stiles let out a loud 'oh yeah!' "I wanted to know if you'd go to that dance-y thing with me." He slurred and I laughed.

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