Chapter 14

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I felt the tips of it's claws digging into my chest and neck but before it could go any further, I punched it in the nose causing it to yelp and giving me enough time to kick it back and make my way away from it and into a classroom. I quickly ran to the desk and fumbled around looking for any useful weapon. The most practical ones I found being a pair of scissors and a pointer for the chalkboard. I quickly stripped myself of Stiles' shirt and put it under the desk in hope that it would distract the Alpha long enough. I then cut a small slice in my white shirt and tore strip off, pressing it against the wound the Alpha had inflicted on me. I walked back over to the door and slipped out as silently as I could before I started on my way down the hall.

After wandering the halls for a few minutes, I managed to find myself in a storeroom and began searching the shelves and although being agnostic, I thanked the high heavens that what I was looking for was there. But my hope quickly fell when I heard the heavy footsteps of the Alpha down the hall. I tried to slow my heart rate and my breathing whilst picking up the spray and lighter. I once again, slowly made my way out of the small room and into the hall. Almost immediately my eyes caught onto the tall shadowed figure in front of me. It apparently spotted me too, this had been made apparent when it began to charge at me. I fumbled with the lighter before I finally managed to get a flame flickering. I then sprayed the aerosol into the flame causing an inferno to spill out to the direction of the monster. It quickly retreated and I sighed with relief as I began to sprint in the opposite direction.




"Look at me, I'm a target." Rora called after throwing some debris from the roof at the creature in front of us. It spun around and went to run after her

"Rora!!" I screamed for her and made to run after her but Scott pulled me back.

"Run!" She shouted back before racing out of our view. Only a few seconds, a spine-chilling scream broke the silence. I froze. She couldn't be. I was quickly pulled back by Scott and shook my head in denial.


We barged into the lobby, meeting Allison as we came in. I heard Scott talking to her but I wasn't paying attention. I felt more tears gather up in my eyes before they spilled over. We were interrupted by the slamming of a door. I looked up and to my surprise, I was met with Jackson and Lydia.

"Stiles? What's wrong? Where's Rori? She was supposed to be with you." Lydia asked but before I could respond to her onslaught of questions the door banged open again and a flood of relief and joy filled me as I set my eyes on the auburn angel in front of me. She ran at me and I pulled her tightly into my arms and kissed her templed.

"I thought I lost you." I told her with a crack in my voice.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." She told me and I could hear the relief in her voice. I grinned and pressed my lips to hers, I felt her melt in my arms. In that moment everything was perfect, but of course, it couldn't last for too long.




"Can we go now?" Lydia asked but almost as soon as she said that we heard crashing noises come from the roof above us. We looked up at the roof nervously as the noise became louder. Stiles gripped my hand tightly.

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