...*Bleach love story. I think im falling for you*...

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((So this was my FIRST ever fan fic that I wrote, and decided to share it, so here you go.))

Name: Masa Osagawa

Age: 12

Height: 4" 3'

Weight: 65 lbs


Short and skinny. Hair barely reaches shoulders. Bangs cover forehead but stop right before eyes. Hair is a dark brown with a tint of purple. Eyes are a purple color with a hint of a light brown.

(Story Introduction)

I sat there by the river holding a flower. The flower seemed to speak out to me. It was like it was trying to explain to me that it was a symbol of love. I could feel the power running through my blood. It was as if a bolt of electricity were running through me. I’m not quite sure if that’s how I should be explaining it, but that’s the only description that I know how to give.
It only was just a matter of time before it was time for me to go. I sat there waiting because there was nothing else here that I could actually do. I tried to do things, but found no interest in them, so in the end I wounded back here by the river. I had to leave the scene of the accident because it was unbearable to look at. There was blood smeared across the sidewalk. The body was limp against the sidewalk. It was my limp body…. I sat there waiting for the light to come but it just never did.
The sun began to sink down, as the rays hit the water, and the colors seemed dance around me. I could feel the last bit of the suns rays hitting my face. I let go of my flower watching it soar through the air. It was only just a matter of time before it was time for me to go. Even I knew that much. It didn’t take a genius to know that. Anybody could have figured that much out. Even the most ignorant of them out there.

I could hear people talking. I could see people walking. Not one person seemed to notice me. I got tired of sitting so patiently and began to walk in with the crowd. No one, as I had just explained, had noticed me pass through. I made sure to try and make as little of contact as possible. I squeezed past people as I walked. I walked past many people, when suddenly there was a tall boy standing above me. He leaned over and said, "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded my head and ask, “Who are you?”

“I’m Ichigo Kurosaki.” He says.

“And I’m Rukia Kuchiki.” Says the human girl.

“She can see me?” I ask quietly.

“Yes she can.” The boy answers

He brought out a large sword, and I began to tremble in the presence of such a large thing, and this pressure was pushing my breathe out of me.

“Ichigo, you are scaring this girl.” Says Rukia.

“So what?” He says. “She will be in Soul Society soon enough.”

“You are just going to send off a scared girl? Fine, but don’t come crawling to me if this girl ends up coming back to kick your ass.” She says.

“I wouldn’t. Besides she is to small and weak to hurt me.” He says. Then he touched my forehead with the back of his zanpakuto.

Everything happened so fast after that. Right before me, two gates opened. A bright light flashed out when the passage way opened up. I stepped forward into the passage.
I blinked and next thing I knew I was in this small town. I looked around. There were people everywhere. People smiling. No sad people in sight. Children were playing, adults were talking, and everyone was just being themselves. I looked down upon myself. My skin wasn't as pale as it usually was. And it seemed to have a small glow to it. I felt a small electricity feeling flying through my veins. It was kind of tingly.
"Well looky at what we got here?" Some old woman spoke. "It looks like a new child just arrived." Spoke the old man. "What’s your name dear?" Asks the old lady. I blinked my eyes. I was never much of a talker. I was always picked on and teased. Nothing I seemed to say mattered on earth, why should it matter now? A young woman walked up.
"Masa...... Masa is that you?" Looking up I saw my grandma. She had died from cancer when I was 10 years old. "Grandma?" I ask with a smile on my face. "Yes dear it's me. Come along, let's go get you comfortable and get you a room of your own in my place."

I followed her to a small little building. I followed behind her inside. There was a living room, with a blue couch, blue recliner, clue pillows on the furniture, blue carpet, and a sky blue painting on the walls and ceilings. The were small red roses going along the wall right below the ceiling. Every now and then a fake vine slid down the wall with painted leaves and pedals being blown through the wind.

I followed her to a small bedroom. In it was a double sized bed. There were knickknacks on shelves, and stuffed animals on the bed. The walls were painted a light blue like the living room, but there was a sun going down on one side with clouds filling the horizon while on the other side there was a moon and stars.

"Grandma, where am I? Is this heaven?"

Laughing she replies, "Oh heavens no dear. This is Soul Society. All spirits left on earth come here. It’s the Soul Reapers job to find us and bring us here."

"Oh... so then that boy, he was a soul reaper?"

She looked at me a bit confused but says, "Yes, that would be correct."

My grandma left the room. I sat there alone, lost in nothing but my own thoughts. It's hard to believe that I’m dead. And yet here I am dead. Or am I just being reborn into something new? I wasn’t sure, and I didn’t know if I’d even find out. But I had to keep my head up, and hope…. Hope that something good will come out of this, because this is the after world after all. The after world is supposes to always be better.

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