[5] - Euphoria

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[5] – Euphoria


“She would’ve called by now,” Laura said with a careless wave of her fork, her words coming out jumbled because she was speaking with food in her mouth.

Rory cringed at the sight and sound, focusing on his own food.

“Don’t write her off at least until Saturday,” Paul replied, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth as he continued, “I mean, it’s barely been two days. Give her some time.”

“Oh my God, can we talk about something else?” Minnie whined, slamming her face on the wooden table dramatically and sending everyone laughing.

“I agree with Minnie, please change the topic,” Rory added. They all turned to look at him with comically raised eyebrows and suggestive expressions and he groaned lowly, “oh, come on! This is seriously getting old, guys.”

“Unfortunately for you, Rory, this will never get old,” Laura replied with a teasing wag of her eyebrows and Rory huffed, rolling his eyes at her.

Harry Goldberg had visited the studio like she promised Jeremy she would on Monday; it was Wednesday now and they hadn’t yet heard from her if she wanted to exhibit and auction her art for the studio yet. Of course, because of her position in the art industry, everyone was anxious for her response – if she took more than a week to respond, chances were that she didn’t like the studio and wouldn’t be contacting them.

On Monday, the team members had immediately cornered Rory the minute Jeremy disappeared into his office – after reprimanding them harshly of course – and asked him how Saturday went. His violent blush told it all and since then, they’d refused to stop teasing him even though he hadn’t precisely told them if anything had happened. Well, nothing had happened exactly but still, at least Rory knew now that his crush on the boss was reciprocated.

“Unless of course,” Laura continued still with the same teasing lilt to her voice, “you tell us specifically what happened on Saturday.”

“Please just tell her you guys kissed already so we can get this over with.”

“Someone’s a sour puss,” Minnie provoked and took a spoon out of her ice-cream, dropping a dollop on Paul’s nose.

“Dammit woman!” he gasped, reflexively jumping away from her and using his napkin to wipe the cold substance away from his nose.

The two women laughed and Paul rolled his eyes, turning to give Rory a look as if silently saying, ‘women!’ and Rory couldn’t help the grin that stretched his lips. The rest of lunch continued like that with the ladies making fun of both Rory and Paul, their noisy chatter adding to the almost comforting hum of the restaurant. Rory really wasn’t paying attention to them though, because for the past two days since the weekend he’d spent alone with Jeremy – thanks to his meddling co-workers – his boss has been paying him extra attention.

Just thinking of how the both of them seemed to relax into conversation now like they’d known each other for years made his stomach bubble with butterflies or gas, he wasn’t too sure. He just knew that he loved the feeling. He’d just remembered the day before, he’d had lunch with Jeremy at the restaurant opposite the studio and it had been fantastic – sure he’d been a blushing bride nearly throughout the meal but Jeremy had talked about his sisters and his family and Rory had done the same and they’d unconsciously began knowing more about the other.

It was absolutely fantastic.

“He’s not even listening is he?” was the question that brought Rory back to the real world, the hand that had been unconsciously stirring the pieces of beef around on his plate automatically stilling.

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