Help is on the way, soon 18

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I woke up to voices outside the door, one was out kidnapper, the others John, Paul, and a girl. Maria got up too we both headed over to the door.

"YOU TELL ME NOW!!" The man growled.

"Dont yell at her!" John yelled back.

I heard sobs from the girl and John's voice telling her its ok.

"Take them away and bring in the old man and the other Beatle." The man growled.

The doors opened and i heard John's voice yell:

"DONT DO THAT TO HER YOU..." He became silent and their was a scream, then the doors shut. I looked at Maria.

"Now," The big guy said,"You tell me what all he told you on 16 June."

"I dont remember. Their was excitment to days later." I heard the man answer.

The big man hit hhis fist on the table. "We can fix that you know."

I imagined a grin on his face, an evil one.

"Bring it in." Was the order.

Doors opened and we heard a thud of something heavy hitting the ground.

"No!" Paul's voiced rang out.

"It wont hurt him, it will make him remember." The big man sounded annoyed.


"Paul, its fine." the man said, Paul's dad.

"I thought he lied about that?" Maria asked.

"Me too. Guess not." I replied.

Time passed in quiet, then it was awake.

"Un hook him."

"Hanna Look!" Maria exclaimed.


"A window!" She opened the tiny door at our head hight. 

We peered through the tiny window and saw Paul at the table watching and his dad, unconscious in the chair that was in there.

"What'd you do!?" Paul asked in shock.

"He just is unconscious, nothing is wrong. The voltage was to hard." The big man said and pushed Paul back to his seat.

The man got the smeling salt and applide it under Jim's nose. He revived.

"What happened?" He sounded weak.

"Now tell us what was said on the the 16 June."

"Oh then, i well, what all was said, my wife found out she was pregnant. So we were at the hospital most of the day, then i met up with a friend." Jim said.

"Ah HA! A friend. Now what did you do?" 

"Had tea and discused todays, he gave me advice on children."

"You heard of a certain," He glanced at Paul, "thing it is very important what did you say?"

"About...Oh we said it was in his house i think. He hid it there."

"Is this treasure?!" I whispered loud oenough for Maria to hear.

"I dont know, and where would they get the chair?!"

"Maybe hes not even from this decade...maybe he did this to me and you, made us go back, so he could use us. He knew me and Paul were...well not in this decade." I sighed. I was confused. Who was this man?

"What house?"

"The house was?...oh my, im not sure. It was years ago."

"Put him in the chair."

BOOK 2: A Turn In LifeWhere stories live. Discover now