Chapter 4

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I looked up and the room was lighted and I was staring into the eyes of John Lennon. An older one, mind you, 1964.

I got up, Paul was sitting on the bed with a disturbed face. He looked from this time too.

"Ow. Me backs hurtin." I rubbed my back.

"Paulie's heavy. Where'd you get this chick Paul?" john asked chuckling dash smiling.

"I uh, she, umm"

"Its a long story, John." I chuckled.

"You know my...oh right...haha." he looked me up and down.

"I like you! The clothes are different then others birds!"

"Uh well, John," I studdered "Im well...different! Besides I'm what you call a...Tom boy! Always have been." i smiled at him.

John nodded. "Still I like it!" he winked, not as good as Paul's.

Paul got up, "She and I were...what were we doin?"

"In a movie. In the US. In 2011." I told him.

John stood wide-eyed.

"Whats wrong?!" I asked eagerly.

"You and him are really good dreamers!" John laught it off and walked out of the room.

"Im sorry to enterrupt you Paulie!"

"Its ok love, remember the movie, me and you..." he smiled.

"You remember?!" I grinned.

"Course! Just it feels weird...I know what we're doin right now. I vagly remember the other stuff."

"Well that don't mater! Let's go now. I'm gettin hungry."

We walked out of the bedroom. Ringo was on the couch.

" When'd u get here?" he asked, putting down the paper.

"I. Uh it's a long story."

"Yeah she'll tell you when she wants to. I'll fix you somthing while you sit and relaxe." Paul kissed me and left for the kitchen.

John and George came in a few minutes later. Me and Ringo were already talking. I was introduced to the lead guitarist. George is so sweet!

Paul came out with some tea.

"Thank you Paulie!" I took the cup and sipped the warm, delicious, earl grey tea.

"well mates, what you say we do today?" John asked looking at the others then at me.


"No you guys pick! What ever you pick will be fine with me." I smiled.

"Hey! Let's go dancin'!" Ringo suggested.

"Ok! What'd you all say?"

We all agreed and left.

"Can we pick up Cynthia?" John asked.

"Yeah we can." Ringo said, he was driving.

We stopped and picked up Cynthia. She is really fun to talk to!

We got to the dance hall and started dancing.

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