Chapter 8

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The press conference was loud! Every one was talking, i was sitting in the back with he Beatles in front of me. I looked to the entrance door and a girl about my age walked in. 

I jumped up and ran to her. "MARIA!!"

"Where...whats goin on??"

"Your at a Beatles press conference!"

"Im what?!" She looked towards the boys.

"Yup! Come sit down."

'I was wonderin where John went off too." She laughed.

"I know me and Paul were at a movie and we walked through the doors to walk outside but it was black! and We fell."

"Were you ok??"

"yeah. THankfuly we landed in Paul's room. Im statin with them."

"You are?!"

"YOu will too!"

Brain came up. "How are you? Met a friend?"

"Yes sir, an old friend from my home town."

"My names Maria." She shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled.

We watched the boys make jokes and talk about there recording material and stuff.

Finaly it was over.

"Paul, this is Maria. Do you remember her?"

He looked at her."umm i think so."

John came over and picked Maria up. "Hello girl!"

"John! Put me down!" She laughed.

"Haven't seen you in like...forever!!"

 "Glad you remember." She giggled.

"John, Paul, girls, we got to go now."

I took hold of Paul's hand, i must've grabbed it tight because he jerked.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"Its ok." He smiled.

We entered the hotel room. Me and George looked at eachother.

"Um, Brian?"

"yeah George?"

"Can we get a new room?"


"Because, this ones gettin old and we've been stuck in it for like  while."

"George, you can last for a while, cant you?"

"I, i guess so.." 

We walked in. George looked a bit scared. So was i.

"Me and Marie are gonna go shopping for some clothes. Is that ok?"


Paul and John asked if they could come and we said they could.

George tagged along as well.

We got to the shop and when we entered i saw some Beatle shirts, and went over to them. Me and Maria got Beatle shirts and got some trousers. Then got some night cloths.

The boys were looking at some uniforms when we got to them. "Ready?"

"Yup!" We walked out of the store.

As we walked i noticed a black car, it seemed to follow us. But just to make sure, i lead everyone into the Fish n' Chips shop. Sure enough the car stopped there and know one got out. We soon had to run out because the boys were being attacked by a mob of crazy girls. We ran as fast as we could the car was still behind us and we entered the hotel. Breathing heavily.

I looked out the window to see if the car was out there. (Yup. Oh brother...)

I walked over to Paul and told him to look outside. 

"See that car?"


"That car has been following us all through town."

"Its probly some reporter trying to get up dates on know. Howd they get an idea that John was married??"

"A reporter asked that question!" I said through my teeth.

"Whats wrong?"

"Your whats wrong!" I yelled!

"Hey whats goin on?" John asked coming over to us.

i glanced out the window and a man got out. He was covered from head to toe, his hat was low and his jacket collar was up. I heard George gasp behind me and run.

"Thats the car that was following us though town!" He said and ran up stairs.

John and Paul ran with him, me and Maria followed and heard the hotel door open and close.

BOOK 2: A Turn In LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora