Letter Revealed 13

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 "Well i beileve you all but who were they?" The officer asked.

"We don't know," Ringo said after they were untide. "they both had stockings over there heads!"

"How many?" I asked. 

"Two." Brian told them, "Ringo was nocked out from behind."

"Well theres realy nothin' we can do here. Did they take anything?"

"No. Not that i know of." Ringo told the officer.

"Well just call if you need anything. Good bye." They left.

George and Maria entered after that.

"What happened??" Maria asked worried.

"There was some people up here who were after John and Paul. But we didn't get here in time so there not here, and they gagged Ringo and Brian, and faked a note." I told them.

"Oh dear!" Maria gasped. "You alright?" 

"They knocked us both out...but we're fine." RIngo said smiling.

"Well nothin' was takin." John reported.

"Nohtin' was cos they were after you!" George frowned.

"Yeah well, see..." John paused.

"What are we gonna do" He continued.

"Me and Maria can make dinner!" I smiled.



We surved the boys and sat down.

" 'Scuse me." Paul got up and got himself a glass of water.

"Whats this on the counter?" He asked holding up a pitcher.

"Oh its tea i made earlier today. It prbly isn't good." I told him.

"Ill drink it."

"Do you want a different drink then water?" I asked.

"Well tea sounds good right now." 

"Ill make some more later, it'll probly taste better too. Haha"

Paul rejoined us.

After dinner we cleared up the dishes. 

"Ill help you girls." George offered, the rest did as well.

"John can you come into the living room." Brian asked.


"Need to talk business. For real." Brian told him. John followed.

I looked over to Paul.

"You ok?" I asked him.

"Hmm oh yeah yeah." He rubbed his eye.

"Sure you look tired." Ringo said.

"Im fine." He started moving forward then back up, almost tripping.

"Paul why dont you go lie down." I suggested. (Man he must be tired! I think...)


"No go lie down the four of us can handle it." I said.

He started to walk out the door. Suddenly we heard a big thud.

We all ran out to see Paul on the floor. John was by his side and Brian was calling the hospital.

"What happened??" I asked nervously.

"He fainted. I think...dehideration?" John said.

"But he drank alot... of water!" George said.

"Hes breathing at least." Ringo said.

"Their on their way." Brian said.

A couple minutes later Paul was being driven to the hospital.

Me and Maria waited out with Brian the other three. The doctor came out.

"Whats wrong with him?" I asked eagerly.

"Hes been poisoned."

"How!?" They all said.

"How should i know. Did he eat or drink anything?" The doctor asked.

"Well of course we just ate dinner...and before that we had two men break in. They're after John and Paul." I said.

"Hanna!" John yelled.


"Its fine John, sit." Ringo said.

"Is he ok??" George asked.

"It was poison. He fought it tho. Thankfully. Hes still recovering."

"Can we see him?" I asked.

"Hes sleeping, you can go wait in his room. By the way you said two men broke in? Well one of them must of drugged somethin in your place."

"The tea!" I exclaimed. "I made it this morning! Can we have it tested?"

"Yes, i think that is the most likeliest thing to have been drugged, because, as you said, it sat there for a while." The doctor said.

"Oh dear...Im so glad none of you drank it." I sighed.

We were led into the room. Paul was awake.

I hugged him "Im so glad your ok!"

"Me head hurts." He winnced.

"You fell hard."

"What happened? Why am i hear?" He asked noticing the hospital.

"You were poisoned. Some one poisoned the tea." I told him.

"Can we go home?" George asked.

"Sure. If he wants to lay down he can at home." The nurse smiled.

George smiled back.

We walked out side the hospital, all together.

"When we get home, ill tell you guys." John said as we got in the car.

"Tell us now what the letter said." Maria demanded.

"But i.." John started to say, "Ok." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

Ringo took it. "It says: 'this is it...' er whats that say?" He pointed to a blurred word.

John looked at it. "It says: 'This is it, i am over with you. If those girls dont go away i will make them.'"

"Thats all?" Ringo said.

"John! If you told us sooner we would've been on our guard!" I exclaimed.

"You were with us." He shrugged.

"Yeah you and Paul, George couold've been introuble as well if Maria was. They both wouldn't know and they could've.." John stopped me.

"Its ok. Im sorry." John kissed my cheek. I smiled.

"John!" Paul was frowned.

"Sorry Paulie. Cant i give your bird one peck on the cheek?"

"Well i guess, but just one!"

"Right!" John grinned.

I giggled and hugged Paul and fell asleep.


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