Killjoys Make Some Noise.

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Jake's POV.

I was trying all I could to keep her here. I couldn't do it.

Lizzy POV.

This is my last day here. Goodbye good times. I hope to see you soon.
"Lizzy are you done packing? You're crying oh um. Shit. Skylar!!!" Nick yelled out to her. He was always good at messing with me. Best brother. But he sucked when I cried he didn't know what to do. "Nicky... do I have to go?" "I'm sorry Lizzy. We've tried everything." He says, sitting next to me. "I don't want to leave!" And just like that the tears were streaming down my face. He pulled me into a hug and held me right but also like I was fragile glass ready to break.

Nick's POV.
"What's going o-" Skylar stopped as she came in seeing the scene before her. Niether of us let go. I heard movement and felt another pair of arms around us. Then another and another until it was a group hug of everyone in our family except Jake. I heard a click. The final pair of arms wrapped into the hug. We stayed there forever. Most of us crying. When we let go with wet faces we each geabbed one of Lizzy's bags and cardied them downstairs to the car waiting to take her away. Jane was there along with another woman only make armed to recognise. We all put the bags in the car and lizzy came over to say goodbye to us all but Jake went over to Jane and the mystery woman.

Jake's POV
"You must be Michelle." I say. I've talked to her on the phone a million times. She's the only one that can keep Elizabeth here. And she won't listen. 'Rules are rules' she'd say over and over until I have up for the night. "Nice to meet you Jake." I just nodded and looked back to where Liz was hugging ryan then drake. Then Nick. She didn't let go and when she did she lept into Skylar's arms. Both of their sobs were audible. I looked back to Michelle and she was fighting her own tears. "You can fix this you know. It doesn't have to happen." I took out my phone and showed her the picture I took minutes before. Everyone hugging and crying. "You're taking her away from her only family." I say and she looked down and away from me. Lizzy ran at me and I knelt down to catch her in a hug that sent us crashing into the grass. She didn't let go for minutes. My shirt was wet from her tears and my face was wet from my own. "Goodbye Jake." She let go and turned to Blaze.

Elizabeth's POV.
I left Blaze for last. I'd talked to him earlier. I may be young but I knew he saved my life the night we met and he told me I saved his too. We talked and hugged and cried for hours. I approached Blaze slowly. More tears falling down My face then ever before and he was crying too. He bent down and I fell into his arms sobbing. He just held me tightly and I never wanted him to let go. But he had to, minutes later. "I love you blaze." "I love you more" "I you most." "That's impossible" he smiled and pulled me back into a short hug before letting go. I walked over to the car alone and stood by the door looking at my true family. Jake stood next to me. "See you later my monster." He said, voice cracking. I got into the car and he shut the door. Jane and the woman, jake called Michelle, got into the front seats.
"Time to go." Michelle said. Jane started the car and we drove off. I started balling. I couldn't get the tears
To quit falling.

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