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We run into Amy's family car and we jump in joy. The happiness is contagious, I can feel it running through me and the rest of us! 

The radio turns on and we sing along. We don't sing hard because we need to use most of our energy for the Audition.  I guess you can call this our eary warm-up.

The song being quite loud and boisterous didn't really help calming us down. It's Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, the most craziest song but we don't mind! Crazy is our name!

The car stops outside a very fancy shop. Not too big or too small, just the perfect size but really decorated with the touch of immaculate windows!

We pause but then run in when she unlocks the doors. At one corner, there is a nail parlour, at another corner there was a make-up parlous and on the other corners there are, Hair corners and a shop section.

At the shop, it selled all these lovely soaps, creams and all sorts of bubble bath creations. Keyrings, earrings, Make-up and all sorts of nail varnish could be found.

In the middle of the room, there was 8 comfy seats in a circle where cupboards filled with cucumbers and clean moisture lived. It was all so interesting!

She quickly pushed us down on to the seats, lucky there was 8 seats for us. We had 1 seat spare! These assistances came running in with bowels that looked like they were filled with grey mud. They expertly smeared it over our faces and wiped cucumbers over our eyes.

We had to stat like that for half an hour! I would have gotten bored but there were these feet massagers. At first, we were all giggling but then she told us, it would ruin the whole point she we quickly shut up.

Finally, half an hour passed! Yesss! We took turned, some of started with our nails as some of did our hair. I was first for hair. I was glad that they asked us what style we wanted but I didnt know. I just told them no curling or hairspray. (There was no point of straightening because my hair was already naturally straight)

They were so cool so they just told me, "Wait and see." I liked that answer. No clues but just wait for time.

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