Day Off

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The house was decorated with banners about us! There were pictures of us nearly everywhere around the house!

"Mum, I'm home!" Bee yells. Nothing but silence respondes her. Whisphers could be heard from one of the rooms.

We cautiously walk in. It is quite dark so we can't see much but dark shadows, shadows that seem to belong to people!

"Surprise!" Everyone yells! All our family had gathered but when? Aren't the others supposed to be in school?

"Nah, they gave us a whole day off because most people in School are in some Competitions!" They exclaim when they look at our confused faces. We grin and hug them...

"Wash your hands, quickly! Shoo shoo shoo!" Bee's mum says.

We trudge to the sinks and wash our hands. Leah suddenly pauses which leads me crashing into her. Owww! What was that for?

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