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Amy's mum wanted us to get our beauty sleep so she made us get into our sleepingbags at 8:00! That was like 4hours early, espicially at a sleepover! Her excuse was pretty exciting though,

"You need this sleep girls, your faces can't be bloated at my pampering session! I have it all planned ou! Come on, sleep early and wake early! Makes perfect sense to me!"

We smiled at her enthusiasm. She really loved her job, we were going to be spoilt tomorrow because Amy is such a tomboy, she never let's her mum try out anything on her!

She turned to leave, turning the light off on her way. We all watched her leave when Storm whispered,

"Guys! How can we sleep this early? Not even for a little pampering thing, does it look like I'm interested?" Chloe suddenly shushed her and grabbed her notebook and wrote,

'She's outside. Listening to everything we say so pretend to sleep and then let the party begin!'

We all nod and start saying our 'goodnights' and 'sweet dreams'. We snuggle up, exaggerating this and start to breath deeply.

"Stalker." Someone says, I don't know who. I guess that person didn't like the idea of our feast being delayed.

I think Leah breaths too hard, she starts to have a fit. We stuff her under our pillows, not wanting to be revealed. We can't help giggling though.

Amy's mum is not the best actor as we can hear her feet moving away. We check to see of they are any shadows lurking around before whipping out our snacks from inside our sleepingbags.

"Good thing, your mum didn't check in our sleeping bags for food, right? We would be dead meat!" I say to Amy as my stash slips from my hand.

"Does your mum come in often to check up on you?" Bee asks beforehand as a precaution. We didn't really want to be in trouble with somebody.

Amy shakes her head, "Only, if she hears a noise so don't rustle too much!" We all laugh, everyone knows that we all can never sit down in the same position for long! We were famous for it!

We start eating and having our feast! I'm tired of chewing everything that seems to have been popped into my mouth. I don't know when. My hands just reached and grabbed everything.

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