chapter 12

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Cassie's POV: after we were done at white wizard we went back to the house. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Hey when's your guys next concert" I asked them. "Tomorrow night at 7 why" Jayy asked. "Just wondering" I said. "So I was wondering can we die my hair bright pink like the brightest pink ever" I asked begging Jayy. Then I whipped out my phone and texted Tawshia telling her to ask if she could get hers died pink too. "Oh can I get mine died the same exact color please" she begged. "Sure we can get it done right now lets go to the hair stylist people" Jayy said and grabbed his keys. "Wait I want to dye it by myself can we get boxes from like Walmart or something and I want to die it the day after the concert" I told him. "Ok whatever let's go to the car to go to walmart"Jayy said and we all walked to the car. My plan for revenge has been set into action. Now I have to fill Tawshia in on it.

Me: I have a plan

Tawshia: I figured

Me: ok so we are getting the pink dye and tomorrow morning we have to wake up before Dahvie and Jayy and put it in their hair that way they don't have a chance to get it dyed back before their concert

Tawshia: Oh my llama gods that is perfect

Me: I know lol

We put our phones away. "So how long will it take to get to the concert" I asked. "Well we will pack some things tonight and we have to wake up at 10 am and go straight there because it takes five hours to get there" he told me. Wow that's forever. But that's perfect because they will wake up and not have any chance at all to do anything. Me and Tawshia exchanged glances each knowing what the other one was thinking. "So is it like the regular concerts or one like the last one" Tawshia asked. "Well its gonna be a surprise" Dahvie answered. We got to Walmart only ten minutes later and I think everyone was confused why we bought bright pink hair dye. I am going to take pictures of Jayy sleeping with the pink dye in his hair and I'm going to tell Tawshia to do the same thing with Dahvie. I can't wait until tomorrow we got home with the hair dye and me and Tawshia went to her room to talk.

"Ok so let's wake up at 7 that should give us plenty of time to dye their hair and let it dry" I said and Tawshia set her alarm. We decided to both sleep in her room because he alarm is louder than mine but I knew Dahvie and Jayy wouldn't get woke up by it because they can sleep through anything. We decided to pack our bags and were going to bed at 10. I packed black skinny jeans, black vans, FIR shirt and a couple bracelets and just in case my hair or makeup got messed up I packed some of that too. The guys already are asleep because its 10 but me and Tawshia have to go over our plan one more time just in case either of us forgot some things. We high five made sure the alarm was set and put the dye where we wouldn't lose it and went to sleep.

The next morning

BEEEEEEEEEEP I woke up to the alarm and hurried and shut it off and of course Tawshia didn't hear it so I woke her up. "Let's go" I said we both grabbed two boxes of hair dye and went to the guys room. I put the gloves on that came with the dye and started to put the hair dye in his hair. I only needed on box for it but hey the more dye the brighter it will be. After I got finished I held up the box and took a bunch of selfies with Jayy I posted it everywhere. Under the pictures I wrote "Revenge is nice" and tagged Jayy in it. I started laughing and ran back to the room ten minutes later Tawshia came in. Its 9:30 so we have a half hour until they find out. They are totally going to kill us. Me and Tawshia were responding to comments and following people back when I realized it was 10. "Here we go" I said and we walked out to the living room to wait. "Im going to kill you" they shouted at the same time really loud we heard them running and we started taking pictures of them and posting them.

"I should have known" Jayy said throwing the box to the ground. "Get your bags and get in the car brats" Dahvie said. Me and Tawshia were laughing so hard tears were starting to come out. We put our bags in the car and hopped in. "We love you" me and Tawshia said as soon as we started driving. "Ya ya ya we love you too" Jayy said which caused us to laugh even harder. Jayy and Dahvie don't make us wear seat belts which makes me happy because those things are annoying. I got bored so I hopped up from my seat and leaned over the thing in between the drivers and passenger seats and grabbed Dahvie and Jayys CD and put it in I turned the car on as loud as I could and we rolled the windows down so everyone could hear it and we all sung along. I don't think Dahvie and Jayy are that mad at us anymore. "You girls better practice for tonight" Jayy said. "Um why" I asked a little nervous. "You girls are going to sing Sexting" he said and smiled. Oh my god how am I supposed to do that without laughing my butt off. "You two are gonna sing all of the parts together so its less confusing while me and Jayy are standing in the background" Dahvie said.

There is no way I wil be able to do this. I hate singing in front of people. And this song is just wow. But I'm gonna do it anyways. We listened to the CD over five times before we finally got there at three. So we have three hours to do whatever because a hour before we have to get ready. "Can me and Cassie walk around" Tawshia asked. "Sure just be back before six" Jayy said and we hurried off. We were holding in laughs because of their hair they actually forgot about it but then fans started going up to them and saying stuff about it their faces got red and we hurried off laughing. "WE ARE GOING TO GET YOU BACK FOR THIS YOU LITTLE BRATS" Jayy said and me and Tawshia burst out laughing. "I'm so nervous for tonight" I told Tawshia. "So am I" she agreed. "I wonder what their gonna do to us" Tawshia said laughing. "Me too" I said and started laughing.

Hey guys so I'm starting to secretly write chapters and every time when I get three I will post them all. Anyways love ya peace out girl scouts✌✌✌

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