Should I Love Him

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Benni: 18yrs. old, main character, real name- Benecia

Sven: 18yrs. old, Benni's twin

Dare: 19yrs. old, youngest of triplets, real name- Darell

Eg: 19yrs. old, second oldest of triplets, real name- Egnar

Ray: 19yrs. old, oldest of triplets, real name- Raven

Arya: 20yrs. old, Hunter's mate

Cloud: 20yrs. old, loving brother

Nathan: 20yrs. old, alpha werewolf of the whole U.S., powerful, real name- Nathaniel

Hunter: 20yrs. old, alpha werewolf, Arya's mate

Chapter 1

Benni's POV:

I love the feeling of the pine trees brushing against my fur and the smell of the lake on my left side. If only my brothers would leave me to run alone. 'Ok Benni, that's far enough, we should get back,' spoke my brother Raven, but we all call him Ray for short, ruining my quiet illusion I had painted for myself to enjoy. 'Whatever, lets go then,' I called back. We raced home where all my boys and Arya were sitting out around the pool waiting for me and Ray, all well aware of how pissed I was at Ray. Ray and I used to be close at one time, we were inseparable up until one day about two years ago!


"Hey Ray, let's go for a run," I yelled up the stairs knowing he would have heard me even if I whispered it. Not even 2 minuted later Ray came jogging down all decked out in his running gear. See I hadn't phased yet so I had to actually run, which I didn't have a problem with. I loved running. See because I haven't phased yet I had no one to run with, males phase young, while females on the other hand didn't phase until 16, I only had two months left, I always worried about who I was going to run with until one day Ray told me he would run any time I wanted I just had to ask. So here we are running along the pond a few miles from the house when out of no where Ray just stops, I would have stopped to see what was up but instead I ran straight into a rock hard object it couldn't be a tree cause Ray would have laughed. No, I ran straight into a tall, blonde haired, green eyed man, with the perfect body. I would be the one to know i was still touching his bare chest! What confused me the most though was when I tried to move away he still had a hold on my arm and wouldn't let go. I could here Ray telling him not to hurt me. The last thing I remember was hearing the voice tell my brother he would never hurt his mate then everything was black! I'm sure my mind purposely blocked out the bad. I woke up sometime later with pain in my neck, and pressure in my lower pelvic region. I knew that I had been raped but not by who. That day on I had a mark on my neck that only Hunter and his mate have but when I ask about it everyone says I'll find out in due time.

Sven's POV

I saw Benni come running into the backyard, but before anyone could say or do anything she ran into the house up to her room and slammed the door. There wasn't anything anyone could do besides wait it out. Everyone knew she still had the memory of being raped. We had Ansley to prove that she was almost two now and has never met her father. All she has is us and her Mother who loves her dearly.

Ray's POV

"Dammit, I was so close. She was so relaxed, then I ruined it. I'm going to kill Nate when he comes back for her tomorrow." I whisper yelled. Benni still had no idea who hurt her only that he left her with a mark on her neck and a baby.

Benni's POV

"Shhhh, Ansley, Mama is here!" I lulled to my baby girl, as this was the fifth time this week she had woken up crying for her Dad. Whom I still didn't know. It breaks my heart not being able to tell Ans who her dad is. I'm beginning to wonder if she'll ever meet him. She's almost two now what if she never meets him.

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