Chapter Fifteen

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“Happy Halloween,” Lucian said when Fallon opened the door.     

It wasn’t really Halloween yet. Tomorrow was Halloween. Since it fell on a Monday, Simeon was having his annual bash tonight. Fallon loved it too. It seemed like such a shot at those religious nuts to have their evil celebration on what was supposed to be a holy day. It was definitely going to make their costumes more fun. When she first pitched the idea to Lucian, she didn’t expect him to go for it as fast as he did.     

“Happy Halloween,” Fallon echoed. “Did you pick up the costumes?”       

“You know I did,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her. “You ready to go?”       

“I can’t wait.”            

Almost as soon as she had her arms around his neck, they went from standing in her apartment to his bedroom. Most of the time, they traveled like that because it was so much easier than dealing with his car. Of course, he still drove them to school since it would’ve been hard to explain to her mom how they got there without his car. The nights her mom was home, he also made sure to bring his car when he picked Fallon up for their date.            

Fallon squealed and clapped her hands when she spied their costumes hanging on the back of his door. “These are so great.” 

“They’re pretty close to what the real clergy would wear. Except of course, I don’t think a real nun would wear such a short dress and fish net stockings.”       

“That’s the point. No one will ever expect us to be dressed like a sexy nun and a priest. They’re probably expecting something darker.”

Lucian grinned. “I know. I can’t wait to see Sim’s face. He’s going to die laughing.”        

After they changed into their costumes, Fallon stood in front of his full length mirror admiring the contradiction. Like a real nun, she wore a black dress with long sleeves and a high collar, and she even wore the habit. The similarity ended there. Fallon’s dress stopped just above her knees and was complimented by a pair of black fish net stockings and boots. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she decided she looked much better this year than she did last year when she’d dressed like a caricature of Satan. Lucian looked a little too convincing in his black slacks and matching shirt contrasted by his white collar. The only thing missing were the crosses hanging from their necks, for obvious reasons.          

Once they were satisfied with their appearance, they descended the stairs and made their way to the back patio. Just like last year, there were tables all around the pool and heat lamps scattered throughout so that guests would stay warm. A DJ was positioned in front of a large dance floor that was already filled with people. Last Halloween, the idea of dancing with Lucian terrified her. Now she couldn’t wait to get out there and have some fun and feel his body grinding on hers.   

“What are we waiting for then?” he asked.   

They hadn’t even taken two steps when their friends converged on them.  

“Holy Hell,” Daphne said in between peals of laughter. “You two are too funny.” 

“Whose idea was this?” Ava asked.     

“Dude, you guys look hilarious,” Seth added.          

“And way hot,” Miles said.   

When he looked Fallon up and down, Lucian let go of Fallon’s hand stepped toward him. Between the heat of the oversized lamps and the blast Lucian’s anger was projecting, Fallon was already starting to sweat off her make up.         

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