Jay's POV

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Jay's POV

I was sitting their in the cupboard next to the love of my life - Aria . I love the way she talks its like music to my ears. Her deep brown hair cascaded down her slim neck to her large chest and curled naturally and the bottom near her slender waist. I started to feel turned on by her slim long muscled legs as she crossed them over. I couldn't stop looking at her , she was like my own guilty pleasure. A scream from the main room stopped my staring at Aria's beautiful figure making me jump and heart beat quicken.

" What was that " I asked , worried .

We opened the door to see if anyone was out their and in the distant darkness was low moans and a slugging figure coming towards us. Aria tried to push pass me

" Are you okay?" she asked with worry.

I couldn't stand her being hurt so i did what i always did and intervened , trying to protect her.

" NO Aria you stay here , ill go check it out" i had to , i cant risk seeing my beautiful girl hurt.

As i came closer to the man ( I think it was a man) i started to feel nervous and worried for this man as he steeped closer to my space. As he entered the pool of light i couldnt belive what i was seeing . The monster had hunger in his eyes and that hunger was directed at me. He quickened his pace and nearly caught me and i heard Aria scream


I ran back into the cupboard and tried to keep aria safe from harms way. We blocked the cupboard with anything that we could find. The monster became more aggressive and i pushed back more. I held Arias hand and got the same tingled up my body I always did when we touched . My breath was quickening as i heard more of them come towards our safety zone. I hugged Aria and she dug her head into the crook in my neck. Right Jay , its time to tell her how you feel , go on you can do it , were probably going to die in this cupboard so tell her NOW  i thought to myself and just as i took a large breath to expose my feelings for Aria the banging and moaning stopped. Saved by the bell.

" what just happened?" I whispered frantically into her ear as i gazed at her lips. They were so moist and perfectly shaped i just wanted to kiss them. Just to know what they would feel like would make my entire life.

" I don't know " Aria said , stuttering as she always did when she was nervous. She moved closer and i inhaled her smell-sweet. I could still feel her hand entwined with mine and the tingled continued. My heart was racing from our closeness and i began to fidget. I put my arm around her slender figure and she accepted my hug. This is the life.

" Aria its okay everything is going to be okay just relax-" i said as i felt her sudden tensed muscles.


" shh they might hear you" i panicked , i didn't want those things hurting my girl.

She sobbed and i comforted her , i hate seeing her upset , it makes me feel upset.

suddenly Aria pulled out a phone. We can phone someone , were saved 

She put the phone to her ear and i noticed her sudden change in expression from hope to fear and anger as each ring brought more pain and loss of hope to her. Every time she tried her face just got more distant. No answer.

Suddenly Aria shot up from my grasp.

" we need to get out of here " said Aria. Oh no , i didn't want to risk my princess , i wanted to stay where it is safe.

" But what if they're still out there?" i questioned concerningly whilst getting an angry look from Aria-Oops!

" stop acting like a pussy, grow a set of balls and come with me" she snarled. Where did that come from. I started to get frustrated with her , she was being irrational , she has seen those hideous monster's out there. So i decided to prevent us from arguing and just go along with what she said- typical women getting their own way. We held onto the small door together , shaking in unison

We stayed their for what seemed like hours but was barely seconds when we decided to see what that monstrosity was. When we looked outside their was nothing ,  I could feel my colour drain from my face as i starred at the empty floor. I felt Aria radiate tension from her vacant expression.

"what....what just happened?" i asked still looking vacantly at the now bare floor. Silence.


Moments later we were in the main room and there was nothing but darkness. The lights flickered to reveal bodies piled upon one another. I couldn't believe my eyes. All our friends were dead , their bodies slaughtered like animals.

Suddenly i heard sounds from the pile underneath, and as we were moving bodies to reveal who was making the noises something grabbed me. Aria screamed and all i could feel was bones and blood , the monster tried to bite me whilst dragging me towards the door. Then all of a sudden i heard a gun shot , i felt it pass my head in a swift motion and hit the monster clean in the head then it collapsed. I looked over to see our leader standing there with a gun , breathing heavily. she collapsed. i ran over to her and both Aria and I stared at her whilst I moved a piece of her hair behind her ear. We were so close , she stood up for me and was always there for me. I felt a sudden urge to cry , a tear slowly dripped down my cheek and onto her face. I looked towards arias beautiful face and saw how upset she was , i went over to comfort her and as soon as i did i felt a presence surround us. the whole group has got us surrounded.

I quickly grabbed the gun, i was reluctant at first , they were all people we knew, until one grasped Aria and tried to harm her. I realised that they weren't the same people anymore so i shot them, every single one. Blood splattered all over the walls and i killed them all , teenagers and some as young as eight I saw them suffering and didn't feel one inch of guilt. Aria looked at me with fear as i rushed to her side. I looked deep into her eyes and i could see her soul hidden behind them. I threw the gun on the floor and grasped Aria by the waist. I looked at her luscious lips and bit mine.  We were only inches from one another and i slowly leaned into her , i could feel her warm breath heat my face up and her heart was racing at a mile a minute. I could feel her nerves radiating off her timid hands.

" What are yo-" she tried to say but put my finger across her lips shushing her. I could see lust and love behind her eyes as she stared at mines.  A sudden blush came across her face and I smiled.

" I can't loose you Aria , you are my girl, I don't know what i would do if i lost you" I said in a low voice.

Her eyes flickered and looked at my lips with hunger and she bit hers. Oh My God , that was so sexy, I could feel my manhood becoming hard. Oh no I hope she didn't notice I moved my hips backwards just to be safe. My face came closer to hers and she entwined her fingers through my hair. I was just about to kiss her when I heard ringing.

" My phone" Aria practically screamed  and pulled it out. Dam so close.


Mwhahahahahahahahaha , im evil hahaha

so who do you guys think was behind the phone ?

please vote and mainly comment i love hearing how i can improve my writing skills thanks.

<3 Noni 

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