Facing up to the Facts

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Jay and I both stared at the still human leader who had a gun pointing towards the direction she was shooting. Her breathing was erratic , it was as though she was gulping every breath she took as though it was her last. She looked at us with wide eyes. Her eyes were burning into my soul and i could feel her fear radiate through her.

" Sorry" she whispered, her eyes rolled to the back of her head , her knees bent and she collapsed onto the floor. I felt guilty and hurt , i didn't mean to be so harsh to her before. I ran to her side in a swift movement. blood was seeping from the back of her head and her body was lifeless. A single tear strolled down my pale face and landed on her tanned skin.

" She's dead" i whispered to myself and to Jay , his face was a picture of despair and he starred in shock towards the leader. He came over and knelt by her side and stroked her blond hair behind her ear. He looked at her with a smile.

" Why are you smiling Jay ?" i asked curiously but with a bit of anger mixed into my question.

" I am smiling because I'm remembering the happy times we had with her" Jay said still stroking her face and looking at her. A tear fell from his deep blue eyes, i started to feel sorry for Jay , I knew exactly how he felt at this moment , fear , sadness and anger. But most of all - proud.

She suddenly started to move and then moan in low noises. She opened her eyes , they looked like  someone had just painted them with white paint. Her skin became an almost grey colour and her breathing deepened and sounded like there was something caught. She lifted her arm to my face and tried to drag me down. Jay got in the way just in time and pushed her away violently . 

Suddenly i felt a large presence surround both Jay and I , we looked at each other then around. The whole group was surrounding us and looking at us with hunger and desperation in their eyes. I felt nervous and tried to hide into Jay's safe arms. My limbs were shaking quickly and i could feel my heart race pick up with every breathing moment that passed. How are we going to get out of this one?


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<3 Noni x

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