Danger Zone

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Everything seemed to go into slow motion at that moment , i could see Jay's face struggling as he tried to break free from the monster but its grasp was too tight , i ran over to him to try and save him , my heart was breaking i was loosing my best friend in the middle of a zombie apocalypse

" NO-O A-RIA--- YO-U-U-U ST--AA-A-Y T-T-THHH-H-H-E-RE--I-DO--N-N-NT WAN-T Y--O-U-TO DI-I-I-I-E-E-E-E" Jay said breathlessly as the monster tried to bite down on his flesh. I had a flashback of the first time i met Jay

" hello, are you okay ?" said Jay with concern . At that point i didn't wan't anyone in MY breathing space , his face scrunched up as he saw my tense reaction to his presence and he did the worst thing possible

he sat next to me, right beside me.

i hesitated and my breathing quickened , i was trying to restrain myself for screaming in his face.

" leave me alone!" i whispered with a sudden tear full of anger drip down my pale face onto the carpeted floor beneath me in the small cupboard. i tried to cover my bruised wrists from the meltdown of my brother. Jay saw my reaction and looked at my arms in shock. Great, i thought, now he's making me feel more self-conscious than i already am.

"  what happened here , if you d-"

" stop looking at them , and whatever you're thinking it wasn't me so but out !" i screamed in his face. He looked at me with guilt and pity. I hate pity. 

He stood up and looked like he was about to walk away and i started to feel less tense until he slid his sleeves up and showed me his scars and bruises

" see you're not the only one who is hit Aria" he said sympathetically. I instantly felt guilty . I stood up and met his gaze and hugged him like we have been friends all this time

i was dragged out of the quick flashback by this sound of a gun being shot from behind me and the zombie dropped dead ( like he should be in the first place) onto the floor and Jay left his grasp unharmed.

Jay looked behind me in shock , mouth gapped wide open. I quickly turned around as my dark brown hair followed the swift action of my movement

" Oh no ....." Jay and I said in unison


Thanks for reading , it was hard to write this chapter :( 

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<3 Noni

Saved From The ApocolypseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora