Chapter Thirteen

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"What the hell are all these tubes for?" I moaned pulling the needle out of my arm carefully.

"That's meant to be kept in." Mycroft said raising his eyebrow.

"Oh well." I muttered. "Come on."

We slowly walked round the hospital, running into nurses who told me I had to go back to bed and who Mycroft told to leave me be. We got to the doors to the morgue and met Molly who was just leaving.

"Oh Alice, are you okay? You look okay." She said grabbing my shoulders and looking me up and down.

"I'm fine, Molly. Where are you going?"

"I just thought I'd better get out for a bit. John and Sherlock were talking." She said. She glanced momentarily at Mycroft worriedly who looked at the floor. It was only a second's action but I saw it and narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

"I'm going to go then. I'll speak to you later, Alice. Mycroft." She said nodding and hurrying down the corridor.

I watched Mycroft apprehensively who looked back at me frowning. "What?"

"There's something going on." I muttered.

"Don't be silly, Alice." He replied too quickly, opening the door for me. I decided to let it drop and slowly shuffled into the lab. I saw Sherlock and John stood not too far away talking quietly. As soon as I was in the room Sherlock turned and walked briskly towards me.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes I'm fine." I said, glad to see him.

"Are you sure? You're okay?" He said, grabbing my shoulders.

"Sherlock! Stop it! Yes, I'm fine but if you keep shaking me I won't be." I said frowning at him. He sighed and hugged me tightly. I was unsure of whether he was actually going to let go and ignored the way the ache in my chest increased when he did.

"What on earth was you thinking?!" He said.

"What?" I asked.

"You should have stayed at home. I said I'd be in touch!" He said in frustration.

"Sorry." I said. "What about you two, are you okay?" I said as John came over and also hugged me just as tightly as Sherlock had done.

"We're fine." Sherlock muttered.

"You are never going out ever again." John said sternly as he let go.

"Yeah, yeah. Mycroft's already warned me." I said sighing. John nodded and glanced at Mycroft. It might have been my imagination but I could have sworn I saw a hint of anger in that glance and I visibly saw Mycroft look away awkwardly.

"Has anything happened?" I asked looking between the two.

"Nothing." They both said, far too quickly to be believable. I nodded back suspiciously. There seemed to be an awful lot being kept from me.

"Moriarty had manipulated everyone." Sherlock said staring at me. "He's created a fake identity."

"What for?" I asked.

"To ruin me." He muttered.

"Sherlock, does she really need this right now?" Mycroft said sternly. "She has just been shot."

Sherlock stared back at him looking confused before his gaze was suddenly accusing. "I think she's able to deal with it, thank you Mycroft." He said harshly. Seriously, what had Mycroft done to have made Sherlock, John and Molly angry with him? I was dying to know but I pushed it aside.

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