Chapter Eight

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Grandma and Grandpa left soon after six to catch their train home, Mrs Hudson left also and they were shortly followed by Molly and Greg.

"Thanks for having us, Alice. It's been lovely." Molly said on her way out.

"No problem." I said smiling back. It was a poor attempt at a smile but it seemed to be enough for her.

"I'll probably see you soon, Alice. Don't worry about Sherlock, we all know how annoying he can be." Greg said. He followed Molly out and I was left on my own in the flat.

I frowned. Where was Sherlock and John? I assumed they were in their room and I was very wary of going to find them but curiosity got the better of me. I wandered down the hall to their room where the door was open slightly. I listened and could just about hear their conversation if I was very quiet.

"Sherlock, tell me?"

"There's nothing to tell."

"Then why are you acting all weird? You've been in a horrible mood for the past few weeks." John said.

It was true. Sherlock seemed constantly on edge and although he had his good moments, most of the rest were a mixture of snapping and sulking.

"I haven't."

"Yes you have. You're driving Alice to insanity. I wouldn't be surprised if she went to go live with Mycroft again."

"Let her."

"No Sherlock. We both know you don't want her to go. You want her here."

"It's up to her where she lives. If I'm bothering her that much then she can go." Sherlock replied indifferently. I knew that he knew I was here and I knew that his answer was a direct message to me. If I wanted to go, then go.

I went back to the living room trying to pretend I hadn't heard anything but pretending was hard. I sunk into Sherlock's chair out of habit and curled up so my knees were by my chin. In my head all I could hear were the words I don't know why you moved in here anyway ringing clear as a bell. It physically felt like I'd been stabbed to have them going round and round. I knew that all my life there had been a chance that Sherlock wouldn't want me. After all, I had just shown up out of nowhere and totally inconvenienced his life. Now I had the final proof.

He doesn't want you. The voice in my head said. Nobody wants you. You're a freak.

I gritted my teeth and bit my tongue, absolutely determined not to let my emotions get the better of me. I scrunched my eyes shut, trying to shut the voice out but it was just getting louder.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped when I opened my eyes and saw John looking down at me worriedly.

"Alice, are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." The voice hadn't stopped, it had just gotten quieter. There was no doubt in my mind that it wouldn't start up again later. I sat up in the chair and noticed Sherlock staring at me with concern.

John coughed lightly and went into the kitchen. It was obviously a sign to Sherlock as he narrowed his eyes at John before looking back at me.

"Alice, I apologise for what I said. It wasn't the time." He said.

I felt a tug in my gut. It wasn't the time. That meant it was always going to be said, eventually.

"I'm also sorry for my behaviour and the other things I said. I didn't mean it." He said, his eyes flitting between me and John as he checked to make sure he wasn't making things worse.

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