Chapter Four

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Ten minutes later Sherlock jumped up from his chair making me and John flinch from our stunned silence.

"Come on." Sherlock said.

"Where are we going?" John asked.

"Tower of London. I'm sure Lestrade will be there already." Sherlock replied as he put on his coat and wrapped his scarf around his neck. John quickly grabbed his own coat shortly followed by myself.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock questioned.

"I'm coming with you." I said.

He watched me sternly. "No, you're not."

"I am." I said staring straight back at him.

"Alice. You're staying here."

"No I'm not! You think I'm just going to sit here with that lunatic running around again. I'm coming with you."

"Do not make me call Mycroft." Sherlock threatened.

I smirked. "Do it."

Before he could say anything else I'd already thrown on my coat and was making my way downstairs. It was busy outside and people were walking along their way. I sighed. They didn't even know a raging psychopath was somewhere out there. Sherlock had an extremely irritated look on his face when he and John came out but I wasn't bothered. He was crazy to think I wouldn't go with them.

Sherlock flagged down a taxi and then we were on our way.

I had no doubt in my mind now that the reason for Mycroft and Sherlock's strange behaviour was down to this. And I knew for certain that 'Prisoner 1' was Moriarty. What I couldn't understand was why Mycroft had let him free in the first place. Why would anyone let him go? Especially if they knew he was after Sherlock.

Sherlock didn't speak a word the entire journey and so neither did me or John.

When we eventually reached the tower I could see Uncle Greg stood outside waiting with Sergeant Donovan.

"Didn't think it'd take you long." Greg said as we walked towards them, our feet crunching noisily on the gravel beneath them.

"You've got him?" Sherlock asked urgently.

"Yeah. Didn't even try to escape or anything. Straight in the car and off he went. Didn't make a sound."

Sherlock frowned looking increasingly frustrated and pushed past Donovan to the entrance to the tower.

"Don't mind me?" She shouted to his retreating back.

I smirked knowing Sherlock meant to barge into her. I followed John and Greg into the tower and Greg led us up to a security office full of screens. Sherlock was already there tapping away at the keyboard.

"Tower of London, Bank of England and Pentonville Prison all at the same time." Greg said and John sighed and ran his hand over his face.

Eventually Sherlock found the right tape and we all crowded round the screen to watch.

Moriarty entered the room where the Crown Jewels were encased in a glass box. How had he even gotten in? Didn't people recognise a murdering psychopath when they saw one? The alarms went off and all the other tourists left the room. All but him. He sprayed a guard with something to knock him out. He took his chewing gum from his mouth and stuck it to the glass case. I noticed him take something else from his pocket and put it in the gum. I was about to ask what it was but was distracted by the tape. He danced over to the fire extinguisher that was placed at the side of the room and picked it up then danced back. I'd have probably laughed if I didn't know what he was capable of. He smashed the glass of the case and proceeded to put on the Crown Jewels.

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