Chapter Nine

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We all looked at him in utter shock. He wanted Anderson on the scene? It was a miracle. Within ten minutes Lestrade had gotten Anderson and we were stood listening to Sherlock as he listed off all the things he needed.

"Black out the rooms and the corridor. Then get UV lamps. Quickly." He ordered Anderson who raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. He left to get the equipment and Uncle Greg and John went downstairs to get a drink while we waited. Just myself and Sherlock were left in the room, Sherlock looking around eagerly for anything else which could help.

"It's Moriarty." I stated as Sherlock turned to face me.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

"Who else?"

"What could he get that he doesn't already have from stealing two children?"

"You. You in the palm of his hand, doing what he wants, solving the case." I said watching Sherlock worriedly as he inspected the wall beside the boy's bed for the millionth time. "What did he say in the flat? After the trial, what happened?"

Sherlock sighed and looked at me calmly. "Alice, whatever he said it's nothing you need to worry about. Nothing's going to happen."

I never said anything was going to happen, I thought in my head. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "Don't lie to me Sherlock."

He looked at me but then Anderson came back in to put up the blackout boards and Sherlock was focused on the task at hand once again.

I left the room and wandered around the school for a bit. I didn't like it when Sherlock kept things from me and so I decided to back away for a while. I eventually found myself in front of a door which led up to the roof. I expected I wouldn't be allowed up here but there was nobody to stop me and so I went through and up the stairs.

There was a cool breeze outside and I shuddered as I walked across the rooftop. It felt weird being this high. I got near the edge and looked down. Almost instantly I moved back again. I wasn't a fan of heights. I dared to peep over the edge, making sure to hold on tightly to the ledge, and looked down at the people below. There were police cars and officers walking about and I could see Uncle Greg and John stood of to one side chatting. None of them noticed me.

I was about to leave when a certain person caught my eye. Stood not too far away from a police car, leaning against a tree was the same girl again. Moriarty's daughter. She had a smirk on her face and was staring right at me. I narrowed my eyes and looked beyond her for any sign of a car or person but there was nothing. She waved at me again before turning and walking away from the school.

I was getting worried. She was stalking us now. Most definitely on the orders of her Dad. That couldn't be good at all.

As I made my way back to the little boys dormitory, I met John and Greg just outside the door. We entered together and found Sherlock and Anderson both holding UV lamps in the now blacked out room.

Using the lamp, Sherlock shone it over the wall by the boy's bed and written in eerily scrawled letters were the words 'HELP US'. I thought back to a horror film I'd watched ages ago where the murderer left messages for the police using the victim's blood (which was really stupid as the police could easily get his fingerprints from it and find him, but apparently this wasn't obvious to the police in the film who wasted loads of time by not doing that). It made me question the reliability of the trail. Was it the boy's ingenuity that did this? Or was it his kidnapper, playing Sherlock like a chess piece.

"Linseed oil." Sherlock said.

"Not much use. Doesn't lead us to the kidnapper." Anderson said, staring sceptically at the writing.

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