Chapter Two

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It took them nearly two hours to finish cooking, by which time I was starving and began eating with animal like qualities when John placed my plate of food in front of me.

"For God's sake, Alice. Slow down a bit." He said frowning at me. I sighed but did slow down. "It's good to see you eating though." John muttered.

I rolled my eyes. John thought I was malnourished and trying to hurt myself by not eating which was totally not true. I ate when I was hungry which just so happened to not be very often, something I'd acquired from Sherlock. Especially over the past few weeks as I'd had other stuff on my mind.

As I raised another forkful towards my mouth I stopped, noticing Sherlock staring at me intently.

"What?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. I noticed he had next to nothing on his own plate and so far hadn't touched any of it. I doubted he would at all. He ate less than I did but it didn't seem such a big deal when Sherlock did it.

"Alice, how did you get those marks on your forearms and that back of your neck?" He asked, not once breaking eye contact with me.


"Sh, John." Sherlock cut him off.

I had suddenly lost my appetite and placed my fork back on my plate. I looked at the table, unable to meet the harsh glare of my father. I'd hoped to approach the subject myself so I could properly plan what to say but obviously Sherlock had other ideas.

"I fell." I eventually mumbled, shrugging my shoulders like it wasn't important (which it wasn't).

"No you didn't."

"I did."

"No you didn't. What really happened?"

"Nothing. I fell over on my way out of school. That is all." I said, trying to sound defiant so it would seem like the truth.

"Fell or pushed?" Sherlock said, raising an eyebrow knowingly.

"Fell." I glared back at him.

"Look, Alice we aren't going to mind if there's something going on. You can tell us, its fine." John said, looking between me and Sherlock carefully, preparing for when one of us snapped.

"I know that. Nothing happened. I fell."

"Okay fine."

I looked towards Sherlock in surprise, not quite believing he'd give in so soon. "What?"

He smirked at me. "I said, okay fine."

"Uh, okay then." I said frowning, confusedly.

"It's fine because I know that you were actually pushed, in fact beaten down by three students from your school just outside the school gates. Two girls and a boy, two whom you'd never seen before, mainly for having a gay father and for being socially awkward. You were hit seven times to the head and kicked multiple times in the stomach and how do I know all this? Because you're concerned Uncle Mycroft showed me the security tape footage." Sherlock rattled off, hardly stopping for breath with a calm expression and his hands underneath his chin.

"For god's sake!" I shouted, getting up from the table and feeling my cheeks grow warm. "Why can't you and Mycroft just leave it?!" I yelled as I stormed off to my bedroom, not wanting to stay and be humiliated further.

I heard him make a smart arse remark before John warned him to be quiet.

I was so frustrated! I thought Mycroft was going to keep his mouth shut?! So what if it was true? I was handling it. I didn't need them to get involved.

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