Chapter Twelve

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Without a seconds waste, handcuffs were placed on Sherlock.

"Sherlock Holmes, I'm arresting you on suspicion of abduction and kidnapping." Lestrade said as the officer behind Sherlock checked his cuffs were secure.

"He's not resisting." John said, glaring at each one of them.

"It's all right John." Sherlock said.

"He's not resisting! No, it's not all right. This is ridiculous." John argued.

"Get him downstairs now." Lestrade ordered the officer. He spun Sherlock round and marched him out the flat past Mrs Hudson who looked like she was going to burst into tears.

"You know you don't have to do-" John started.

"Don't try to interfere or I shall arrest you too." Greg said sternly to John.

"Uncle Greg, there's no need for that!" I said.

"Alice, that goes for you as well." He said pointing at me. I glared at him as he left the room, sighing.

"You done?" John said to Donovan who was stood looking smug at the side of the room.

"I said it. First time we met." She said.

"Don't bother." John said, staring daggers at her.

"Solving crimes won't be enough. One day, he'll cross the line. Now ask yourself: what sort of man would kidnap those kids just so he can impress us all by finding them?" She said.

I clenched my fist and swore under my breath. "Don't you dare keep talking about my Dad like that or I will punch you." I muttered.

She raised an eyebrow at me sceptically. "Aren't you in enough trouble? Punching one of my officers is bad enough but punching me as well? That's enough to get you locked up for at least six months."

"You think that'll stop me?" I challenged, stepping forward eagerly but John held me back.

"Don't Alice. You'll regret it later."

I gritted my teeth and stared at the floor trying to calm myself down.

"Donovan." A man said. I looked back up and quickly recognised him as the Chief Superintendent.

"Sir." She replied.

"Got our man?" He asked.

"Uh, yes sir." She said.

"Looked a bit of a weirdo if you ask me." He said as he looked around the flat. I felt John tense up next to me and smirked. "Often are these vigilante types." He carried on. He turned to see John glaring at him and me smirking at him, knowing what was coming. "What're you looking at?" He asked, staring down at us.

I saw from the corner of my eye, Sally's eyes widen and her look down at the floor. Obviously she knew what was coming too.

John took a step forward but I held an arm out to stop him. My eyes not leaving the Chief Superintendent's face and with gritted teeth I said, "Do it. You won't regret it later."

John half smirked at me before turning and punching the Chief Superintendents face as hard as he could. Blood spurted from his nose and he cried out in pain, trying to stop the blood flowing from his now broken nose.

Immediately two officers from outside had slapped a pair of handcuffs on John and were carting him outside. Donovan was staring horrified at what he'd just done and I laughed before running downstairs to try and get outside. Both Sherlock and John were being held against a police car, handcuffed to each other by the looks of it. They were speaking but I was too far away to hear them. I tried to get closer when suddenly screeching interference from the officer's walkie-talkies filled the air and I covered my ears flinching. When it stopped Sherlock was holding a gun and shouting orders.

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