War of 3015: Chapter Twelve

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The next morning, the citizens of Danisha and Carlistan have all heard the news of what happened last night. It was everywhere in the newspapers. Many different tales of what happened. But all had one true point in every article.

King Dameo fled like a coward and let everyone he brought with him to be slaughtered like animals by Everlyn.

Carlistan was now even more rebellious then they had been, the castle being under attack by several rebellion groups trying to tear it down upon hearing this news.

The where-abouts of King Dameo were unknown.

According to Sarah this morning, there are a lot more people wanting change of King then just in Carlistan. Her country wasn't the only one. She wouldn't reveal to me which one, but she says that they might just end up siding with us if they needed any support, when I take over as Queen and Eithan as King of Carlistan.

Leo seemed like his usual self all morning during breakfast together.

The more and more I watched him the more I felt at ease. My suspicions of him being a double agent was probably foolish and it was based after an event that threw me off completely. When mad, decisions aren't done clearly.

Mind mind wonders off as I sit alone at the table in my room.

Wouldn't it be sad if I did all this for nothing? If someone else killed him before I did? Surely, it would result the same, but I really liked the idea of ending a sick twisted sex crazed idiot's life.

But in a way I am also against it.

I wasn't much a believer in the religious ways, much to everyones opposite opinions about it when it came to me, since I always showed up on Sundays and knew everything about it.

The words Eithan spoke to me last night came back into my mind. I wonder if he really meant what he said about him not wanting me to taint my hands, as I would, if I killed his father.

He fell for me knowing my goal was to kill his father. So why would he have a problem with this now?

Something wasn't right.

He changed. But why? He hates him as much, if not more, then me, encouraged and helped me move forward and now he wants me to stop?

I will not stop. I will complete my goal. Even if he hates me for it and I lose the future life I can get, weather I want it or not.

But now his whereabouts are uncertain. My rebellion aren't waiting for only my orders now.

Things are progressing. There might not be much longer to wait and plan. This idea of Sarah's has to stop, and maybe postponed if I have to compromise. Whatever her reward, if I should be deemed worthy in her eyes, cannot help me for my current goal.


Packing a few things like food and a set of clothing into a basket, I jump at the sight of Sarah at the door.

She looks at my basket and then slowly moves her gaze towards my eyes.

Looking like a rat being caught in a human household, she smiles and laughs, shakes her head and walks in, forcing me to let go of the basket with her gentle hand.

"You still have all the time you need. Relax, my reward will simplify everything, I promise."


His hand resting on my waist, as our bodies are very close to one another, I'm just captivated by his beautiful blue eyes staring into mine, as we dance like how Sarah instructed us to do.

This was much less awkward then it was last time. He was dancing better, and he even seemed a bit more interested then before.


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