Chapter 7

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Darcy's POV..

I stood behind my Alpha's chair, listening carefully to the words the she and the Earl were exchanging. "You can not simply stay here without giving me something in return, therefor until you leave your demon will serve me as a Phantomhive maid until you leave." He explained.

Alpha narrowed her eyes, deep in thought and I could tell she was considering his words. "We don't have to stay here." She said slyly.

"No you dont, but I would think you would rather stay in a warm mansion then on the cold streets," He said starting to get angry.

"Very well, my demon will be a maid, but you can't make her do what I don't approve of, and she doesn't take orders from you." Ember replied.

Ciel didn't seem completely satisfied but nodded anyways. "Do you understand  Darcy?" Alpha asked not looking at me.

"Yes Alpha." I replied curtly.

"Good." She said.

Sebastian suddenly entered with plates of food in his hands from the one door on the right side of the dinning room. "Your dinner my young lord. " He said sitting a plate in front of him.

He then approached my Alpha and sat a plate in front of her as well. "Ember." He said before walking towards the other side of the table.

He picked up a tea pot and poured it into a cup, then sat it before Ciel. He brought a cup to Alpha as well. Ciel picked up his fork and began to eat, and Alpha did the same.

I looked over at Ciel. I felt Sebastian's hot breath in my neck. "Don't even try." He hissed.

I clenched my teeth. I'm not going to steal your petty soul, I have what I want in my clutches. I thought looking down at Alpha. Her soul was perfect, though she was mean and cold on the outside her soul was perfect and remained pure much like Ciel Phantomhive's.

Sebastian walked away and disappeared in the kitchen.

Time skip....

"In there is the bathroom and just across the hall is your room." Sebastian said.

Alpha nodded and entered the bathroom. I walked in behind her and closed the door behind me. I grabbed the knob to the tub and began filling it with warm water. Steam welled up from the warm water and filled the room. Ember took off her cloak, and other clothes and climbed in.

I always washed her, she wasn't as much lazy as it bored her to do it herself. I grabbed some soap and began washing her jet black hair, and silver ears. "They are up to something." She said.

I finished scrubbing and rinsed her hair. "I want you to find out tonight, that's an order." She commanded, and the tattoo on her neck began to glow bright green.

"Consider it done." I replied.

I finished cleaning her and put her to bed. I exited the room and noticed Sebastian in the hallway. "Come with me, my master wants me to train  you in the ways of a Phantomhive maid. " He said.

I flicked my tail in annoyance. "Very well." I growled.

"First you will have to change into the proper attire, follow me." He said and suddenly raced down the hall with the speed of light.

"Show off." I muttered and sped after him.

I spotted him ahead and ran beside him matching speed. "You're not the only one with speed." I said not looking at him.

"Seems not." He said skidding to a halt.

I stopped to and we stood before a big wooden door. "Just through here." He said opening the door.

I stepped into a room filled with racks of suits and dresses. I narrowed my eyes I anger, I hated dresses. "Here is what a ordinary maid would wear." He said holding up a blue and white dress.

"Well I'm not ordinary." I said.

"I know that is why I have picked this out for you."He said holding up a black dress, with green accents. It seemed better than the blue one so I took it from his hands and examined it. It was a well made dress, and had a hole for my tail. "This I will wear." I replied.

"Good, get changed and meet me in the kitchen." He said before exiting the room.

I grabbed the dressed and slipped on the maid outfit, it was complete with a pair of black heals and a necklace with a bright colored emerald on it. I stepped out of the room, my heals clicking on the floor. I turned, heading for the kitchen. "There she is." I heard someone whispered.

I looked over to see three people hiding behind a plant. One was a girl with red hair and huge glasses, wearing the maid's attire, the other two were guys one was short with messy blond hair and a hat tied around his neck with a string, the last was taller with a cigarette in his lips and chef's outfit.

"I can hear you." I said.

They screamed loudly in a crazy flailing of arms. "So sorry miss, we didn't mean to spy on you!" The red head apologize, and they all three bowed in sync.

"It's quite alright, I'm Darcy I will begin work here tonight." I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you I'm Meyrin." Greeted the maid in a high pitched scratchy voice.

"I'm finny!" Yelled the short blonde headed boy.

"Bardroy's the name, cookin's my game." The oldest said pointing a thumb at himself and looking egocentric.

"It was nice meeting you, I must get to training now, I hope to see you all again." I said and turned away, walking towards the kitchen.

"She's so nice!" Screamed Mayrin.

"Yeah she is gonna fit right in around here." Bardroy agreed.

"I wonder if she will like Pluto!" Finny remarked.

Pluto, I wonder who that is. I thought as I walked down the stairs and their voices faded behind me. I lifted my dress slightly, not to walk on it. Sebastian waited at the bottom of the stairs. "Let's begin."

Thanks for reading!

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