Chapter 4

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Ember's POV.

Three years ago, it seems to have gone by so fast. Ever since that day, when I was only nine years old changed my life forever. I am now twelve, and more skilled as a thief.

When I had made the contract with Darcy, she taught me how to fight, to read people, to sneak, to kill and not be caught. She had been my savior, and I don't think of her as a servant, but as a friend. In my years of being a criminal, my name had become very well know throughout England. I was feared, worshiped, despised, envied, and many more, but, it was not all sunshine and rainbows.

I could have no friends, not only because I was a criminal but because of my ears and tail, I had seen horrible things, death, agony, betrayal. I had to kill in certain situations, but I never enjoyed it, I wanted to avoid killing someone. Before Darcy found me, I can still remember all the horrible things people had done to me, they hurt me, took away my innocence, humiliated me. I had figured out my wish for the contract, my true wish only about a year ago. I wanted, to never be weak again, to be trained and feared and hated and envied until the whole world knew my name. If they hated me or loved me, I did not care. I wanted my name to send shivers running down the strongest of people's spine when they hear that I'm going to kill them. I never want to be afraid, I want control, and I hate not having it. That was my wish, I never know when I will deem myself as powerful as I want to be, the day may never come. But one day Darcy will take my soul, and that's the day, I will be happy, when my horrible life will end while I have completed my goal.

I don't know what Darcy thinks of me, she might see me as a friend, or as food for the future. But it doesn't matter to me, I only want to achieve my goal, and with her by my side I know I can.

The streets were cold and damp from the rain that had stopped not only a few hours ago. The moonlight shined down, and we used it as our light. Darcy walked alongside me, still towering over me, I had never gotten taller than the first time we met other than a couple of inches. My cloak swayed in the soft cool breeze of the night, the same one I had years ago. My cloak was the only thing that didn't change about my wardrobe. I now wore black boots that go over my knee with black tights. Then covering my waist was a red corset with black embroidery, on it and a cross lace design in the front, under it I had a long sleeve black skin tight shirt. I wore on top of the leggings black shorts that where shredded on the ends. But the thing that changed the most was a tattoo on the left side of my neck, it was of a fox with small designs around the edge, making it seem very complex, it matched the one on Darcy's hand, it was the symbol of our contract .

Darcy had changed a bit, wearing a black long sleeved jacket that was fitted in the waist, with a piece of fabric tied around her waist. The back of the jacket hung down to the back of her knees, and drifts behind her as she walked. The jacket had a hood that was rarely ever down, and under her jackwt was a dark blue top. She wore black tights also and the same ankle boots she had before.

When I was a kid my parents told me that they had traveled all over the world before they had me, wearing cloaks to cover their ears and tails. Through their years of traveling they learned many different languages and customs, and when I was born they had taught me to speak many other languages, how to be proper or a slob, dances, songs, everything I would need to know about the world. While I was with Darcy my knowledge grew. She taught me more languages, customs and useful things like that. One of my favorite was how to lie. She trained me, taught me combat skills, I would train from dawn until dusk and sweat like a dog but it was worth it.

I heard a loud terrified scream off to the right of me, making my ears twitch under my hood. Darcy and I turned out heads towards that direction then look back and nodded at one another. Both of us took off in a sprint, heading directly towards the sound. I was known not only for being a thief of the rich, but a savior to the poor and in need. Everyone needed help sometime, and when no one is there to answer their cry of help that's when I will show.

My boots skidded to a stop in front of an dark damp alleyway. At the end I could clearly see a large burly man pinning down a young woman.

"Stop you're squirming girly, and this will be less painful." The man snarled and reached a dirt covered hand down to her plain light brown dress, gripping the edge in an attempt to pull it off. That's when I decided to step in.

"What are you doing to that poor girl?" I asked, changing my sound of my voice drastically so I sounded more like a man. My cloak wrapped around my whole body and the hood covered up my face so it was impossible to tell my gender by looking at me.

The man's head snapped up from the girl to look in my direction, his eyes widened a fraction before a calm expression took over his face. He lifted himself of the girl and she quickly got up and ran past me, taking her only chance of freedom but not before whispering a small 'thank you' to me. She knew who I was, it was obvious because when she had seen me her eyes widened then filled with happiness. She knew I would save her.

This man however clearly did not know who I was, the golden ring on his finger and three gold teen showed he was from a rich family. He wasn't short, but not tall, dressed in a black button up shirt and black slacks, his chubby figure made the man seem even more disgusting, only because you knew that the rich where the only ones who had the money to buy enough food to make him the way he is.

The man sighed as he watch the girl slip past me, then Darcy, then shook his head.

"Mmm. Well I guess you will have to do. After all you're the one that gave her the chance to get away." He flashed me an evil smirk and started his way towards me. I inwardly shrunk back in disgust.

I did not move from my spot, just watched as he became closer and closer until he was about two feet away from me. Then, to his surprise I whipped my right hand out from under my cloak and gripped his wrist. He looked shocked for a second but then smirked at me, not buying my threat. I watched as his expression turned into one of pain as I gripped his wrist harder and harder until I heard a satisfying crack. Smirking under my hood. I laughed silently as the man's eyes became filled with tears, he ripped his hand away from me and started to walk backwards, tripping over his feet multiple times in his state of fear. I heard Darcy chuckle behind me at his pathetic actions.

I took a few steps forward, scaring him enough to where the tears that where in his eyes escaped and where now running down his cheek. Taking a few more steps he tried to back away faster, but in his rush he feel to the ground. He started to push himself away from me as I advanced toward his form.

His back hit the stone wall and his eyes widened more than they already where in fear. I smirked down at him, enjoying the sight.

"Darcy, hold him still." I commanded, without wasting a second she was over to him in a flash. She looped her arms under his and held him tightly. I would guess that was very uncomfortable for her but she would have to deal for now.

I lifted my face up to his and stared him in the eyes. They where filled with fear and terror and I smiled inwardly. His sobs and whimpers where become very annoying so with my right hand I reached under my cloak and gasped one of my larger knives the where attached to my belt.

The sound of his ripping flesh filled the dark alleyway and his eyes became more fearful, I smirked at him and watched as the light faded from his eyes. Once he was dead I stepped back a few paces and Darcy dropped his body onto the ground. I watch for a while as the blood from the wound made by my knife that was still planted in his chest slowly leaked more blood.

After about a minute I walked over to him and planted my left foot onto his chest, just under my knife and leaned down, gripping the knife then pulling it out quickly. The wound started to bleed out more and I looked over to Darcy, her shirt had a bit of blood on it but nothing to make a big mess.

I noticed a pouch attached to his belt and keeled down next to his dead body. I reached out my hand to grab it but stopped when a deep voice spoke from behind me.

"Stealing from a dead man, that's not very noble now is it?"

Thanks for reading!

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