Chapter 2

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Nothing, that is what I felt. Air surrounded my figure, and it felt as if I was floating. I opened my eyes, seeing nothing but blackness. Am I dead? No, I can't be, I have something to live for. Fear took over me, the thought of being dead with so much to do frightened me, in fact it terrified me.

I could no longer tell if my eyes where open or closed, it made no difference, the darkness coated my vision all the same. I tried to move my limbs, but they felt like led, I still had my cloak on, covering up my body.

Then, in what seemed like the far distance a light shined, glowing brightly, and letting me see my surroundings. The place I was in seemed to go on forever, I could not see a start or and end, just the purest darkness. It was quiet, not a single sound could be heard, nothing. My wounds where no longer painful, nor could a see them, it was as if they weren't there at all. I wasn't breathing, but it seemed to have no effect on me, my chest was not heaving up and down, showing panic like it would normally in this type of situation, instead I was calm, it felt as if my emotions where locked away.

Then an eerie voice spoke. "It seems that you are in need of a friend my dear." Her voice bounced around the air, not giving me any signs as to where she was. I tried to move my mouth to respond but no words came out, and my lips didn't move either. "Silly, only I can allow you to talk." She had a mocking tone in her voice, making me more angry by the second.

I tried and tried to get one of my body parts to move, but to no avail, I could hear her voice laughing at me but paid no mind. Then all of the sudden the gravity that had been holding me up previously seemed to disappear and I dropped about three feet and hit a cold hard surface. The thing I had landed on was what I assumed to be the floor, but I still couldn't distinguish the shape of a room, It looked as if the room went on and on forever and never stopped.

"There, the look in your eyes was pitiful, it was bothering me." The voice told me and I glared upward, not really knowing where the person was.

"Where are you?!" I demanded in anger

"Right here." The voice was no longer echoing endlessly, it was now as if the person was behind me in the same room, talking normally.

I whipped my head around to see a girl, seemingly only a bit older than I was by her looks. She had long black hair and bright emerald green eyes, her face was shadowed by the hood of a black jacket. The jacket fitted her tall form to a T, curving slightly at the waist to fit her, along with her red tank top under it. Covering only a part of her long legs where black shorts, cut and fringed at the bottom stopping about four inches down. Black stockings ran up her legs and stopped a bit above the knee, her feet where tucked in ankle boots. Each boot had two buckles and a silver chain wrapped around them, with laces criss-crossing their way up to the top, tied in a bow along a two inch heel adding to her height. But the thing that caught my attention where the wolf ears, matching her hair color sitting atop her head and a tail just above her rump, matching in color.

She looked down at me and shook her head, as if she was disappointed. "Now now, didnt your mother tell you staring was rude." She waved her hand towards me in a circular motion, gesturing to me.

Then she started to walk towards me, her boots clanking with every step she look. She reached out her hand, about to grasp the edge of my hood when I pushed myself up on my arms, and scooted back away from her in fear. I wasn't like this normally,  I could hide fear, sadness, and many other emotions when I wanted to, I only had a problem with anger. But here my emotions ran wild, I had no control over what I was feeling, my true side was coming out and it made me feel like a scared child.

She waved her pointer finger back and forth, shaking her head, scolding me like I was a child. Then, she was gone in a flash, in such a fast movement she went from about a yard away from me to right on my face, staring deeply into my eyes.  In a flash I felt my hood leave my head, the sudden rush of air made my purple eyes go wide and my silver hair fly slightly. I looked at her with fearful wide eyes and she scanned me over, then nodded.

"I see why I was drawn to you, seems we are similar. Now how about we make a contract?" She flicked my fox ears that match the color of my hair, they twitched slightly. 

I looked at her with wide eyes, wondering what she meant by contract. "What.. What do you mean?" I asked her softly, with a confused look on my face.

She laughed slightly. "You look adorable, how old are you?"

"Nine..." I mumbled, wondering why she would ask that question. She hummed nodding her head before looking at me.

"Do you know about demons?" I looked up at her confused.

"Of course." I answered her, still looking confused.

"I, am one." She told me, then sat waiting for my reaction. I stared at her for a good thirty seconds, before looking her in the eyes.

"Prove it..."

Thank you for reading!

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