The End

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  ~Guys please read the end of this it's IMPORTANT!


   Pain was the only thing that surrounded me. My vision became blurry as I realized I was being stung in all directions.

   "To the lake!" shouted Cato. I frantically swatted, screamed, shrieked, trying to hit the tracker jackers with my bow, but it was no use. I heard Marvel fighting against someone, probably Cato, and yelling, but Lavena was the only person I could spot who was also getting attacked just as bad as I was.

    "AHHHHHHHHH! MARVEL! SOMEONE HELP!" I screamed and cried and then tripped because I was suddenly really woozy and didn't know what was happening. I tried to bat them away, but it was useless. I felt like my flesh was being stabbed by fire in every single direction. Why wasn't I dead yet? Why did I have to suffer for so long?

   I helplessly laid on the ground in some sort of paralyzed state. All I wanted was the pain to stop. Why wasn't anyone coming back for me? Did they really hate me that much? If I was going to die, how come I wasn't dead already?

   Questions bounced around in my head that I couldn't answer because my brain wasn't working right. Brightness clouded my vision to the point where I felt like I was in front of the sun. The pain never stopped. I could feel my body twitching and shaking, but I didn't know that I could even move. It felt like I was in a coma and couldn't do anything but lay there and wait for me to finally die. I felt a new pain in my fingers, and I almost thought that they were broken.

   I didn't know what was happening or why I couldn't move or see, but I could still feel the pain. I never even knew that something could hurt this bad. I hope Marvel wins. Lavena was probably in some condition like me unless she was lucky enough to get to the lake. I knew that was wrong when I heard a cannon go off. Or was that my own cannon? Why can't I just die!?

   I let down Lavena. I couldn't save her. I didn't know what I was thinking. I do love Marvel. I hope he wins and lives a long peaceful life. If he doesn't, then Clove, Cato, or Peeta. Or Katniss. Katniss. She caused this. She wanted me dead. Oh well. She's just trying to get home.

   I suffered through the unbearable pain while I thought about my friends and family until everything slowly faded into darkness.


   I never knew what death would be like. I didn't really want to know, but it ended up being peaceful. Marvel and all of my other friends ended up joining me after a while. Except Peeta and Katniss. I liked the safeness and security it gave me to know that I couldn't die again. Nothing could hurt me.

   Rue taught us all some songs she used to sing as a child. I was very fond of one in particular. I would always sing it to Marvel in the morning. It brightened my day a little. As though my days now couldn't be more bright.

   "Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be all right, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe... and... sound."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* PLEASE READ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I FINISHED THIS BOOK!!!!!!! I AM SO SO SO SO SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!! :D :D :D okay... got that out! Guys I seriously couldn't love you all any more. You all rock! But I really don't want you guys all to leave me now that this book is over. Yes, I cried while writing it. I did, I admit it D: but I ended it in an... overall peaceful way. But you guys, you can't leave me! I'm gonna take some suggestions for another hunger games book that you guys want me to write so I can keep ya'll entertained :3 (I wrote this all the past but that book is called The Innocent One) I really wouldn't of finished this without all of you supporting me on the way. Shout out to all you Clovely peoples!! SO yeah once again. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS DONE!!! You are all Glimorous! I hope this changed your guy's view on Glimmer cuz it did to me. COMMENT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I NEED SUGGESTIONS AND TO KNOW HOW YOU LIKED THIS BOOK. Long live Glimmer. <3

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