Training Continued

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The next day, I mostly focused on learning survival skills. Clove had taught me quite a lot with knives, and I learned some hand to hand combat techniques. I was at the edible plants station for about an hour, and I actually learned a lot. If something ever happened, and we ran out of food, I could definitely survive off of plants if the right ones were in the arena. I also learned things like how to start a fire, how to make a fish hook, and I even learned how to make some animal traps.

I saw Marvel over by the spear station, and he was just like Clove. He hit the target perfectly. I walked up to him and decided to take a try. I mean it couldn't be that hard. I picked up a spear and was surprised by how heavy it was. I used all my strength to throw it at the target. It landed two feet in front of me. Marvel tried not to laugh and picked the spear up.

"Okay, first of all, don't hold a spear with two hands," laughed Marvel.

"But it's heavy!" I complained.

"You'll get used to it," he said. He walked over to me and put the spear in my right hand. My hand immediately dropped to the floor, but he picked my arm up and held it while positioning himself behind me. He put his fingers over mine and positioned the spear correctly in our hands. Okay, now when I say go, you let go."

I nodded and focused on the target. Marvel pulled the spear back a little and shouted go. I gave all my energy to chuck the spear across the room at the target. It landed near the center of it.

"Good job," he said with approval.

"You were the one that did all the work," I laughed. I turned around and saw Cato watching us. I really hoped that he didn't think we were a couple. I mean, he saw us holding hands, and now he saw Marvel showing me how to throw a spear. I walked over to Cato and worked up my nerves to talk to him.

"Hey... Cato right?" I said even though I already knew his name.

"Yeah, and you're Glimmer?" he said.

"That's me," I said with a smile.

"So... you and Marvel together or something?" he said while picking up a sword.

"No, no, no," I quickly said. "Just friends... are you and Clove-"

"No," he laughed. "Just friends... so what are you good at?"

"Well... to be honest, nothing really," I admitted.

"I can change that," he said with a smile. "Here, take this," he said while handing me the sword. It felt like it weighed 50 pounds, and I almost dropped it, but he grabbed my hand before it could fall. "Maybe we should start with something a little lighter."

I nodded in agreement and walked over to the selection of swords. I didn't really want to try, but if it meant hanging out with Cato, I was up for it. I picked one that was lighter and smaller. Cato gave me all kinds of tips on where to aim at. I picked the sword up and swung at the dummy. The dummy ended up without a head. It was really easy, but if it was a real human, they could easily dodge the swing. Soon, it was time for lunch.

The entire career pack gathered up and we served ourselves from the carts around the room. After our plates were filled, we started to eat and talk about the games.

"So, I think that we should add more to our group," said Cato. Clove agreed.

"Yeah, so far we only have four people, and that's way less than the average career pack," said Clove.

"Who are we bringing in?" I asked.

"Well, I think we should ask that huge guy from 11," said Marvel.

"Yeah him, and maybe the boy from 12. He looks pretty strong, and he already asked to be in it. I told him I'd think about it. We don't have to keep him the whole time. He promised he would help us find her," said Cato. I had a feeling just by the way he said "her" that Cato would be the one to kill Katniss.

"Wait, District 12's girl?" asked Marvel.

"Yeah," said Cato. "And just to get this straight, she's my kill."


~Sorry about the short chapters! I promise that pretty soon I'll start making them longer(: hope you liked it! Please vote, comment, or fan! :D

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